
Suffer Strong

suffer strongIn Suffer Strong, Katherine Wolf writes, “Instead of focusing on what we inevitably lose in this life, we can choose to suffer strong, growing in the kind of wisdom and love that heals us from the inside out.”

Some could say Katherine lost much when a massive brain stem stroke left her with facial disfigurement, impaired fine motor skills, speech struggles, and mostly wheelchair-bound when she was just twenty-six years old.

She would tell you, “Our tears of loss can plant seeds of the kind of hope that survives anything.”

And her husband, Jay, would tell you, “Our trauma birthed in us something more beautiful than before the breaking.”

Hope Heals

suffer strongIn Katherine and Jay’s first book, Hope Heals, Katherine recounted her life-altering health struggles and proclaimed “the hope in our hearts has always been greater than despair because it anchors us.”

Their hope in God is their anchor.

Both their ministry, Hope Heals, and their camp, Hope Heals Camp was founded on this verse from Hebrews 6:19: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”

Reading and then reviewing their book, Hope Heals, was a natural fit with this ministry as Katherine’s incredibly positive attitude, grit, and perseverance as she fought her health struggles exemplifies an overcomer.

Not As Victims, But As Overcomers

In the introduction of their new book, Jay writes, “We can gain precious wisdom and deeper appreciation for the lives we’ve been given as we learn to suffer well – not as victims, but as overcomers.” Yes, Jay! Yes!

The subtitle of Suffer Strong, How to Survive Anything by Redefining Everything, captures the truth of gaining a new perspective about suffering. Katherine and Jay were given an uncommon assignment in which they could show God’s glory.

Jay and Katherine each write chapters about how Katherine’s brain stem stroke was a turning point in their young lives.

This turning point could go one of two ways:

  1. They could focus on and be destroyed by all the dreams they lost and all the goals that could no longer be met.
  2. OR they could refine their lives and be thankful for what her health challenges taught them, for the new dreams and goals God put in their hearts, and for the opportunity to thrive.

Suffer Strong

Suffer Strong is equally as powerful as Hope Heals. More so in the fact that time and healing have filled both Jay and Katherine with deep insight and wisdom.

Each of the twelve chapters discuss how redefining their view of various situations and events transformed their thinking and their lives.

Take a moment to read Merriam Webster’s definitions for redefine.


suffer strong


The Beauty of Transformation

The beauty of transformation can be seen in the following excerpts in their book.

Katherine’s chapters redefine:

  • limitations
  • celebration
  • loss   Katherine writes, “For us, suffering strong has looked like being grateful for the things that remained in our lives in the aftermath of catastrophic loss.”
  • beauty   Katherine writes, “Our unlovely places become gardens of renewal and strength filled with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And that’s what makes us truly beautiful.”
  • community
  • calling   Katherine writes, “. . . limitations don’t have to be losses; they can be the avenues to our flourishing.”

Jay’s chapters redefine:

  • the past   Jay writes, “Our stories are glorious. They are also painful, unfair, scary, and almost always quite different from what we thought they would be. Yet it seems that those parts might be the very means through which the glory is most revealed.”
  • trauma
  • failure   Jay writes, “Are we actually failing just because our grown-up realities don’t look like what we thought they would when we were eight? Maybe we need to dream new dreams.”
  • commitment
  • healing   Jay writes, “. . . the [scars] are an outward symbol of an inner experience. They are the Ebenezers of just how far God has brought us and thus how far He will take us. They mean we lived. Now we have to figure out what we are living for.”
  • hope  

The Redefined Me

Katherine sharing her story

As you can see, those excerpts are powerful in that those words didn’t come from a life of ease. Or one free from struggle.

Wisdom earned from persevering during exceptionally tough times. Years of struggle and hard work in therapies offered lessons upon lessons. Wisdom and lessons learned fill the pages of this book.

In the Epilogue, Katherine writes, “. . . my upended life has revealed my second-chance life. The redefining of me has become the refined me. And I truly love my life. I want to cherish it and champion it, even the parts I never could have imagined.”

This, my friends, is what it means to suffer strong.

Joy for Life

It was an honor to meet Katherine Wolf a few weeks before Suffer Strong was released. Joy for life and a love for God flowed through her in the few minutes we spent together.

I passionately encourage you to buy a copy of this book. No matter what kind of suffering you are facing, you will find encouragement and strength in those pages.

Katherine and Jay recently launched a Suffer Strong podcast. Episodes that correspond to each of the chapters of their book are available on all podcast apps. To hear sweet Katherine’s voice, I invite you listen to their podcast HERE.

Leave a reply (below): Maybe you’ve experienced a life-defining challenge. How have Jay and Katherine’s words inspired and challenged you to suffer strong?

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    1. It is an incredible book! So much of the wisdom and lessons learned she and Jay shared would be helpful and inspiring to those in your ministry!

    2. This is what I love about God… He allows us to suffer through life to finish strong. Mrs. Katherine, your story/life makes me think about how God is the potter and you are the clay that He has refined into a beautiful creation.

  1. What an inspiration Katherine is to us all! God has used her in a mighty way through her trial to glorify Him. I would love to meet her one day!

    1. Katherine IS definitely an inspiration! She lives here in Atlanta and goes to Passion City Church like we do. Fingers crossed she can join us at one of the Overcomer Celebrations!

  2. Love the beauty of transformation as it shifted the focus to helping others heal and recover! I haven’t read the books, but I just ordered them. I’m excited to learn from Jay and Katherine. Great review

    1. Some people fight the transformation in their lives as they see it as painful and ugly, but the butterfly only gets its wings to fly after a season of loneliness and isolation.

      Katherine and Jay share so much wisdom about how transformation can be and IS beautiful!

  3. What a beautiful story of strength and inspiration. We all face some kind of life altering event or even multiple events in our lifetime. I pray I can always react in the same manner, with courage and wisdom.

    1. Yes! Life-altering events, interestingly, make or break people. Katherine’s stroke was definitely life-altering, but it did not break her. Looking at their lives now, it is abundantly clear those life-altering events made her.

  4. Love the idea of refining and redefining!! Looks like I’ll be adding a new book to my reading list!

  5. Loss is real, it’s angry, hurtful and ugly. Then there is the peace that passes all understanding when we can take our loss and turn it into growth both spiritually and emotionally. Thanks for a great article. It allowed me to be reflective.

    1. I know God is lavishing you in the peace that passes understanding as you grieve Ian’s passing. Praying for you, precious friend!

  6. We can never imagine the fullness God has planned for our lives. It is overwhelming the amazing trust He has in us to take worldly “lemons” and use them to bear the rich Fruit of His Spirit in and through us.
    Thank you for introducing me to this beautiful story of victory in Jesus name!

    1. Isn’t it just beautiful to look back and see how God used the things meant to harm us for our good?

  7. Thank you for this interview. It is a reminder to us in our circumstances that we have a choice in our next steps. I found your life story convicting and inspiring.

  8. What a challenge this couple has met together. Yet they chose to flourish. Life is what you choose to make it and they prove that.

    1. Katherine and Jay are definitely flourishing in spite of all the struggles they’ve faced. A true testament to God’s Presence in their lives!

  9. Thank you for demonstrating with such grace what it looks like to navigate uncharted territory. Your story is inspiring and so relevant to our current crisis. We are all in the process of learning new normals. Because of your faithfulness to live a life pleasing to God, your story offers hope. Thank you.

    1. Every time I sat down to work on the book review, I got goose bumps thinking about how timely this very important message is! As much as I’ve been uncomfortable in the upheaval in our lives, I don’t want to go back to my old normal. I’m with you, Diane, it’s time to learn some new normals!

  10. What wonderful timing to learn about this book. With all that is going on it IS time to rethink our dreams and redefine our lives. I can’t wait to actually read the book. This will be an excellent graduation present too. Many childhood dreams of traditions have been crushed. And for everyone that has lost anything from this pandemic, this book could have such a positive impact.

    1. I couldn’t agree more, Nancy! I picked the day I would publish the book review MONTHS AGO. When I was putting the finishing touches on it and thought about the message of the book, I knew it was no coincidence it was scheduled to be published DURING the Coronavirus. GOD just works that way. HE gets ALL the praise!

      1. katherine’s story in Suffer Strong is so inspiring and timely for us all. Truly the grace of God has been sufficient for her and Jay infusing them with unshakeable faith and hope. Thanks for sharing this at this time Melony! A much needed message. Great article!

        1. Several people who have commented have pointed out how needed this message is at this time, and I couldn’t agree more. That’s why I was eager to share my book review as soon as I finished reading it!

  11. Wow! So inspiring and encouraging! We all go through trials and it’s not what we go through it’s how we go through it!! Such a powerful story!!! Amazing!

      1. Thank you Melony for introducing Katherine’s story to us. During the last few weeks the Lord has been impressing on my heart that I need to better understand suffering. What? Yep…..As my sweet depression era Godly Grandmother used to say, “Honey- it rains on the righteous and the unrighteousness.”

        Perhaps the Lord is preparing me for a shift in my life. I do not know but I am sure He wants me to see suffering as part of the path to triumph. I am going to listen to Katherine’s podcast and look forward to her book!

        1. You are brave to study suffering! But I do agree we need to understand it better as we all will likely experience it at some point in our lives. I love when you said, “I am sure He wants me to see suffering as part of the path to triumph.”

  12. I follow Hope Heals on Instagram and it was so encouraging to read some of the quotes from the book. I need to order it! I especially loved, “Our tears of loss can plant seeds of the kind of hope that survives anything.” Amen!

    1. Yes, you definitely need to order it! Can’t you just visualize our tears planting seeds of hope? Wouldn’t it be neat to have God’s perspective as he watches those seeds bloom?

  13. Tram Nguyen
    It was fascinating to read the story and inspiring how strong Katherine and Jay have gone through. I was in tear as I read along. That was their rough journey and they’d never gave it up. This story would change people point of views in life especially what is happening right now. I would love to read more of this story.

    1. Their never give up attitude is amazing! And yes, their message is so needed during these uncertain times.

  14. Truly inspiring story! What a journey Katherine and Jay are on. Hope is so important to us all. They have definitely found unfailing hope and they have learned to love and live from that place. I love that hope it’s their anchor, and her comment about hope… “Our tears of loss can plant seeds of the kind of hope that survives anything” They truly have allowed the wisdom of God to change their perception concerning life and the struggles they face(d). They’re such a power team! I love that they have learned how to dream “new” dreams. They both are overcomers indeed…in a big way!!! Their message of hope, refining and redefining is such a blessing to us all!

    1. Preach it, girl! This book is a must read. The quotes I pulled are powerful, but there is SO MUCH MORE in the book!

  15. A friend loaned me a copy of Hope Heals because I am a overcomer also. She told me that I should read it because it has some “awesome” quotes that made her think of some of the things I had said to her. Although; we have overcome different circumstances, I can feel her pain. I love her book! She is awesome and an amazing overcomer! Would love to know more about her.

    1. Hope Heals is an excellent book, and I’m so glad you read it! But time has passed, and Katherine and Jay have learned so much in their journey of overcoming. I hope you’ll read Suffer Strong too as they share their lessons and the hard earned wisdom they’ve gained!

    2. What a amazing story, I first found out about this when my neighbor and friend had a son that suffered from brain bleed, I came across her story on you tube looking up information and resources about this type of brain bleed. I was heartfelt, hopeful and definitely a story of overcoming. What a small world that I would see it again on Our overcomer blog. God is amazing and with times like these with covid-19 it is a reminder that with faith, love, determination we can overcome anything. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story and to bring hope, love and faith back to us. I hope we will to hear more is this especially during such a stressful and overwhelming time. God bless

      1. Yes, the message of this book could not be more timely! Faith, love, and determination will definitely help all of us overcome!

  16. This is such an encouraging story and I’d love to hear more! Adding to my to-read list! I love the perspective of God giving us an opportunity to thrive amidst the challenges.

    1. I just shared a handful of the great quotes in the book. I underlined so many powerful thoughts and couldn’t share them all, so it’s definitely a must read!

  17. I can’t wait to get my hands on Suffer Strong. Katherine and Jay’s story is truly inspiring and one that gives hope to others. They are abundantly generous in sharing their deep and personal journey so readers will gain insights and new perspectives in their own journeys. God is still in the business of transformation, this couple certainly brings Glory to His Name!

    1. Do you remember when she and Jay spoke at Passion? She goes much deeper into how redefining their dreams and goals opened up even more blessings and opportunities!

  18. Every time I hear Katherine’s story I am moved and encouraged all over again! Thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to read the book!

    1. Her story is full of struggle, but it is encouraging to hear her speak. Her positivity shines as she shares everything she’s learned. And her words in this book encourage anyone who is struggling to see that struggle as an opportunity.

  19. To “Suffer Strong” is an understatement to the inner turmoil that rides along with suffering, pain and healing Of circumstances beyond your control. Melony your capture of this couples overcoming odds against them, shows both your ministry and gift to share, as well as the couples true preservation to God’s promise and to themselves. I always say you are only a victim if you allow yourself to be a victim. It is how you face tomorrow that will make the difference.

    I look forward to reading this book, thank you for what you do! In the world of today, it takes great openness, courage and a strong community of friends and family to keep us centered and focused. iKeep them coming!

    1. I LOVE “You are only a victim if you allow yourself to be a victim.” That’s excellent wisdom!

      Thank you for your continued support and emcouragement!

    1. And what a perfect time during these uncertain times to reflect and redefine things in our lives.

  20. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this review, Melony. I really like the message about redefining how to view life events. This past year I’ve certainly had my share of challenging ones and need to do exactly that. I look forward to more insights from Katherine and Jay!

    1. You have seen some challenging events this last year! This book is power packed with wisdom about how Jay and Katherine redefined their struggles and found new opportunities!

  21. So inspiring! Katherine and Jay, I love the approach you took to look at the good in your lives. God plants seeds for us to grow in ways we would not have known. Thank you so much for sharing. I needed to read this right now.

    1. I agree: God carefully but sometimes painfully plants seeds in our lives. He must get so much joy watching as the seed becomes a small plant and then a larger plant. And because of that initial seed being planted, the new plant is spreading seeds which would have never come about but by that initial pain.

  22. I love how God takes our dreams and explodes them into a life greater than we ever imagined!! He never wastes our suffering but transforms us into beautiful reflections of His heart. Thank you for your ministry!

    1. I just love how beautifully you describe it: “He never wastes our suffering.” What the enemy meant for harm is just clay in God’s hands to create a masterpiece!

  23. What an inspiration. To take a life situation and turn it into a beautiful journey. Can’t wait to read this book.

    1. Yes, Candi! Katherine and Jay are so generous to share their life journey with us. By explaining how they suffer strong, we learn how to suffer strong when we face life’s tough challenges.

    1. Katherine and Jay are an amazing couple! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts after you read their book!

  24. Thank you for such a beautiful commentary on Katherine’s story! Their story will be an inspiration for many.

    1. Katherine and Jay’s story of facing a huge challenge with such determination and perseverance is definitely inspirational!

  25. Your synopsis of Katherine’s story was excellent. Challenges, hardship, and loss find everyone, In which direction you take the next step is the critical decision. There is a plan for each of us that is more beautiful than we could plan for ourselves.

    1. YES! YES! YES! The direction you take after facing a challenge, hardship, or loss IS a critical decision. I couldn’t agree more that the plan God has for each of us is more beautiful than we could plan for ourselves!

  26. What a story of inspiration. Certainly is convicting at this unique time that God is always there and that we should “lean not on our own understanding”–He has the perfect plan for each life. Thank you for sharing this amazing young woman’s story in a beautiful review. I think this book will be a blessing and encouragement for so many.

    1. I believe the release of this powerful book is part of God’s beautiful plan at exactly this time in history. Many are suffering with the illness or financial struggles or job loss, and those suffering will find such hope and encouragement in Jay and Katherine’s book. God DOES have the perfect plan for each of our lives!

  27. Someone once told me to “lay down your dreams for His vision”. Jay’s words on failure resonate with me as my adult life is not unfolding as my 8-year-old self believed it would. Katherine’s and Jay’s decision to trust God through this adversity is a testimony of obedience, and obedience is a manifestation of unconditional trust. I am thankful for the love this couple has for each other and for the Lord.

    1. If I may offer encouragement, Bridget, I would agree with Jay’s words on our adult lives not unfolding exactly like the dreams of our younger selves. But I can testify that the life I’m living after several tough challenges is far better than my younger self could have ever dared to dream. Trust God to reveal His plan for your life and eagerly run toward it.

  28. Such a great reminder that God always has a plan, even through suffering. Katherine is an amazing witness and inspiration!

    1. Yes! Even though it’s so hard, trusting His plan allows His light to shine through us during the dark days.

  29. Melony, what a wonderful synopsis of her book(s) and it has encouraged me to get a copy to read! Of late, much of my study in God’s word has been centered around suffering. I could not agree more with what Katherine and her husband have shared through their journey. They have been an example to us all on how the power and goodness of God helps us to overcome trials …and to not just survive the trials, but for those trials to redefine us to then help us make an impact for the kingdom of God. To God be the glory.!

    1. Thank you, Holle! Studying suffering is a bold move on your part! YES! I agree with “if we allow the trials to refine us, it sets us up to have a huge impact on the kingdom of God.”

  30. Katherine and Jay’s story is one of great faith and love in the midst of suffering. It reminds me of Mark 5:34, “your faith has saved you.” Their story illustrates how God can transform our situations and our hearts when we trust Him. Their book will indeed inspire many to press on in the midst of pain. Thank you Melony for your wonderful review and introduction to this remarkable couple. Your ministry is such a blessing to many!

    1. Faith and love in the midst of great suffering . . . Such gifts during the hardest times. And yes, God does transform our hearts when we trust Him! Beautiful thoughts, sweet friend!

  31. Definitely ordering the book soon! It is amazing how God works. It really makes us stop and and look at our own life and see how we can look at our struggles and change our perspective. Great post!!

    1. When you read about other people’s struggles and how they fought to overcome, it does make you look at your own life and see what changes you need to make. Perspective is a powerful thing !

  32. Thank you, Melony, for this recommendation! I heard the Wolfs speak at Passion, and I was continually amazed by their “overcomer” spirits. Now I need to read their books!

    1. Yes, Katherine and Jay are incredible people who have fought hard! I enjoyed hearing them speak at Passion, too!

  33. Beautiful review Melony! Mak and I are reading the book now. It is very applicable to many right now during this pandemic and it absolutely applies to our lives with my son Mak’s stroke and brain injury. We were so fortunate to hear Katherine and Jay speak at Passion and meet them too. Mak and Katherine both have the same rare brain disease, a brain avm which caused both of their strokes. She is an absolute inspiration to us and has given Mak great hope as he redefines the second chance at life that God so mercifully gave to him. Thank you for highlighting this book. It truly is a must read for all.

    1. Faye, I know you and Mak can relate to Katherine’s story. I’ve loved seeing all of Mak’s progress on his videos. He has worked so hard!

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