A Reflection of Overcomers

A Reflection of Overcomers

mels-videoAs I approach the four year mark of my overcomer website, I found myself reflecting on all the INCREDIBLE stories I’ve had the opportunity to share.

Below you will find a powerful video titled A Reflection of Overcomers 2016.

I didn’t expect to be as significantly impacted as I was when it finally all came together, but seeing their joyful faces filled my eyes with tears. I am proud to know these overcomers. These women (and 1 man) faced struggles that could have destroyed their lives, but they fought hard to make sure that didn’t happen. They fought to overcome!

If one of their stories “hits home” for you, please find their story and read it. And it’s never too late to leave a comment at the end of their story.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wskM4jbCjcA  (<—- click here for the video)



Share Your Overcomer Story

I interviewed several women this summer and haven’t posted their stories yet, so be looking for those stories soon!

I’m always interested in interviewing courageous women who’ve fought to overcome life’s tough struggles. If you or someone you know would like to share your overcomer story, please scroll to the top of the screen and hit the contact button. Please share a short summary of the struggle and how you fought to overcome. If your story meets my criteria, I will call you to set up an interview.



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  1. Very cool friend! Loved looking at all of the Overcomers. I didn’t realize you had interviewed so many until I saw them all together. That’s a lot of work- a labor of love I know! Awesome!

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