A Zigzag in My Path: Give Up or Keep Moving Forward?
Sometimes a zigzag in your path gives you the opportunity to take a big spoonful of your own advice.
The advice (medicine) I recommend on a frequent basis is: “When life zigs and zags, keep moving forward.” Those words are the tagline for my Zigzag & 1 podcast. At the end of every episode, I promote this medicine. After taking it myself quite a few times, I know it is highly effective.
Most of us have encountered a zigzag on our path. Perhaps it devastated you. Or maybe it altered your life so much so that you felt lost. For some, it was just the change of course they needed. The biggest danger of a zigzag intersecting your path is getting stuck there.
What’s the best way to avoid getting stuck? A big spoonful of “keep moving forward!”
A Big Spoonful of My Own Medicine
Recently, an unexpected and scary zigzag intersected my path. It certainly wasn’t one I was familiar with. Feeling a little knocked off kilter, I knew I needed a big spoonful of my own medicine to “keep moving forward.”

Here’s what happened: After a normal (health wise) Wednesday morning/early afternoon, I had a progression of mild symptoms. I was awakened by a sharp pain in my right abdomen about 11:30 that evening. Thinking it was my appendix, I knew the Emergency Room was my best option for treatment.
Much to my dismay, I did not have appendicitis. Rather, I had a rare bowel obstruction called cecal volvulus. I learned my colon flipped upside down, which then caused a bowel obstruction. An obstructed colon is an extremely serious situation in that if it had ruptured, I could have died. The best treatment was surgery to remove half of my colon. Emergency surgery on Thanksgiving morning plus a five-day stay in the hospital definitely wasn’t on my planner!
Facing this unexpected zigzag in my path tested me to see if I would follow the advice I’ve given over the years about how to keep moving forward when life zigs and zags. The advice I knew I needed to follow:
- When adversity strikes, fight back.
- You may get knocked down but don’t stay down.
- Persevere even on the toughest days.
- Your struggles have purpose. What are they teaching you?
- The negative thoughts in your head will try to defeat you. Don’t let them.
The last piece of advice is the one that would impact me the most during my five-day hospital stay.
The Deepest, Darkest Darkness
On my third night in the hospital, I encountered the deepest, darkest darkness. This darkness was suffocating, restrictive, evil and oppressive. I couldn’t see the enemy, but I felt his presence. Sensing that the enemy was preparing to attack me made me feel extremely vulnerable.
I knew I was experiencing spiritual warfare. I know and believe the words of Ephesians 6: “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (verses 11-12).
I was experiencing the reality of those words. This reality is frightening beyond anything you can imagine. I didn’t have time to assess if I was ready to stand firm and fight, because the enemy began shooting flaming arrows (verse 16) at me at an alarmingly fast pace.
Of course, the enemy shoots specific arrows at you, using the words he knows will hurt you the most. His arrows taunted: “You’ve overcome much, but you won’t overcome this. God may be powerful to heal, but He won’t heal you this time. Your message of overcoming will weaken when everyone sees how this struggle defeated you.”
Changed His Strategy
I braced for the impact of the arrows, but they were deflected with my shield of faith (verse 16), bruising me from their force but not penetrating. I can only guess that seeing his specifically worded arrows fall to the ground angered him, because the enemy changed his strategy and began shooting even more specific arrows at me.
These arrows taunted: “You’re weary from fighting your neurological residuals every day. Your brain is worn out from trying to do all the things average people do.” Then he launched the mother lode attack: “You could just give up. It would be so much easier than always fighting so hard.”
For a moment, those words rang true. Those words invited me to a place that would be easier, less stressful, and maybe even release the pressure I put on myself.
I don’t remember if I cried when this battle was happening. But I am now as I type this, because as much as it saddens me to accept this, I almost gave up. I do remember reasoning that I am weary. I am worn out. And it would be so much easier to just give up. I honestly don’t know what the outcome would have been if I had accepted the enemy’s words and given up.
Remember the last piece of advice I shared earlier – the one that impacted me the most? It says, “The negative thoughts in your head will try to defeat you. Don’t let them.”
It was time to decide if I would follow them.
Fight to Overcome
During an interview with an overcomer, I ask her to describe her turning point. The point at which she decided she would not be defeated; instead, she would fight to overcome.
This was my turning point: The woman who has dedicated her time, energy, and passion to encouraging others to fight to overcome and never give up these last nine years rose up inside of me. A bold and powerful strength emerged in my spiritual being. Bible verses I studied over the years and more specifically in the months prior to this surgery came to mind.
With the same alarmingly fast pace the enemy shot his arrows at me, Bible verses that counterattacked his lies were shot at him. With each verse spoken, I witnessed the oppressive darkness lift. Just to be clear, these weren’t verses I had memorized. Instead, they were verses I remember studying, being “stopped by,” underlining, and even meditating on when I daily studied the Word this year.
Those verses ARE light! Truly John 1:5 in action: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Those powerful verses attacked the darkness with God’s light, and the enemy was forced to retreat!
To borrow from Oprah, here’s what I know for sure: If I hadn’t been so hungry for His Word and diligent about studying it daily this last year, I don’t even want to imagine how differently my emergency zigzag and spiritual warfare battle would have turned out. I know His Word strengthened and protected me.
His Word is called the sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6:17. I have now seen the sword of His spirit defeat the darkness and defeat the enemy’s attacks on me. Please believe me when I say spiritual warfare is real.
Do Not Forget the Things Your Eyes Have Seen
Near the end of each Zigzag & 1 interview, I ask my guest to share her one takeaway. The one thing that she hopes the listeners will remember about her interview.
I’d like to share my one takeaway from my recent zigzag. As unexpected and scary as this zigzag was, I am grateful. I’m grateful for Dr. Redcross and his amazing team for saving my life. I knew I needed medical attention, but I had no idea how serious that sharp pain in my abdomen was. Who knew you could live with half a vital organ?
I’m grateful for the “testing of my faith.” I’m grateful for seeing God’s Word come alive. It is far more powerful than any of us can imagine! No longer is spiritual warfare just words on the page. I believed spiritual warfare was real, but now I know it is. To borrow from the words of the Shema in Deuteronomy 4:9: “Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”
Having emergency surgery and seeing spiritual warfare with my own eyes is hands down the biggest zigzag I’ve ever encountered. That’s saying a lot as I had brain surgery almost six years ago! When I began my recovery at home, I asked myself, “Are you giving up, Mel, or are you going to keep moving forward?
I’m not giving up. No chance! I didn’t hesitate in taking a big spoonful of my own advice. I WILL keep moving forward!
So glad you defeated the evil one! Glad you are better. Prayers and much love.
Thank you, Stella, for your kind words and prayers!
Amen. God is Great! Thankful for your faithfulness to each other!
Thank you, Sandy! God is GREAT!
You were hit with a “whammy” on Thanksgiving Day and for days that followed. I’m thankful Dr. Redcross found the issue and did the surgery! I knew, you, if anyone would get through this trial with flying colors! Our faith assures us of victory over all the trials that come our way. That is why studying the Bible daily and letting those words become who we are is so important. We are winners over the powerful darts and deceit the Devil uses.
Thank you for always believing in me, encouraging me, and praying for me. It means SO MUCH. His Word does become who we are! The enemy can shoot those flaming arrows at us, but I have seen and I KNOW how powerful God’s words are in defeating him.
Melony, what a testimony! Thanks for the reminder to stay in His word daily. I am so glad you are better.
Thanks, Heather! Daily Bible study is a joy!
Before 2019 my answer to every zigzag in life was to not fight at all. It’s a very long story (and my book will talk about all the why’s) but to make it short and sweet, i no longer had the energy, drive or desire to keep fighting. By the end of 2019 I was unchained from a burden I carried my entire life and for the first time truly felt free to fight in life. To fight for what I wanted, needed, desired and God opened doors, so many doors in 2020. So now I move forward when the zigzags in life happen. I am grateful you too kept moving forward.
I know you “get it,” girl! Looking forward to reading your journey of encountering zigzags and how you fought to overcome!
Who would have ever guessed we would be in the ER on Thanksgiving morning baby? Epically with a DR name DR Redcross!!! God had you all the way thru this Zig Zag! Love you!!
No kidding! God definitely was with me throughout this crazy zigzag! LOVE YOU!
What a beautifully written story of your zig-zag! Your faith is so profoundly presented. Mel, we are all very thankful that victory was yours.
Thank you, Kathy! I truly believe my faith was tested. And with God fighting with me and for me, the enemy was defeated!!!
My journey has been one of giving up as well as overcoming. I’m SO thankful for you, Melony Brown! I hate that you had to go through this battle but I love that you WON!
Oh sweet friend, you are a fighter. I know you have wanted to give up and may have for “a while,” but the fighter deep inside of you can’t stay down. You’ve had to fight to overcome many times, and I admire that about you in A BIG WAY! I love you, dear friend!!!
Love that you shared this Mel. I’m so glad God carried you through that Valley. You are a powerful voice of encouragement!
God definitely carried me! Thank you for your kind words. Love you!