

Stephanie’s* transformation wasn’t an overnight change. She wanted to be clean and sober, but alcohol controlled her. “I liked drinking,” she shared. “I liked the smell and the taste. And how it made me feel. But I didn’t like how it controlled me.” The generational curses of addiction were real. Stephanie fought hard to break…

Victims of Crime: You Have Rights, Too!
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Victims of Crime: You Have Rights, Too!

Ever been the victim of a crime? It can turn your life upside down. Anxiety creeps in. You begin to question your safety everywhere you go. Maybe you’re lucky and you haven’t. The statistics are staggering: 328,236 felonies or violent crimes were reported in Georgia in 2017. Every crime often impacts one or more victims….



Several years ago, Mendi* felt as if she were trapped in the middle of a childhood game of dominoes. Childlike excitement and laughter did not follow as she watched the first domino fall and then the second and then several more. The string of issues – one occurring right after the other – led to…

Get Weird

Get Weird

A few months ago I read Get Weird: Discover the Surprising Secret to Making a Difference by CJ Casciotta. I’ll admit the title caught my attention, but the subtitle is what really drew me in. Take a second to reread the subtitle. God gave me a HUGE passion for sharing the stories of overcomers, and…

Dear Atlanta Friends, TOGETHER We Can Help End Human Trafficking in Our City
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Dear Atlanta Friends, TOGETHER We Can Help End Human Trafficking in Our City

My heart is broken. After a month of research and interviews, I’ve learned the human trafficking crisis in Atlanta is MASSIVE. I knew it wasn’t only happening a country away or even a state away. I knew it was happening in Atlanta, but I had no idea of the magnitude of the problem. Look at…