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Dear Atlanta Friends, TOGETHER We Can Help End Human Trafficking in Our City

My heart is broken.

After a month of research and interviews, I’ve learned the human trafficking crisis in Atlanta is MASSIVE.

I knew it wasn’t only happening a country away or even a state away. I knew it was happening in Atlanta, but I had no idea of the magnitude of the problem.

Look at these shocking statistics:

  • Approximately 65% of men who purchase sex with female children in Atlanta live in suburban areas outside the I-285 perimeter (The Shapiro Group, 2010)
  • Traffickers in Atlanta make an average of $33,000 per week (Urban Institute, 2014)
  • Approximately 200 – 400 adolescent girls are sexually exploited each month in Georgia

So much evil happening in our city.

human trafficking

It Will Take All of Us

I set out on a quest to learn more from five Atlanta area ministry leaders who are approaching the human trafficking crisis in different ways, but are having a collective MASSIVE impact on Atlanta.

But, these women CANNOT do it alone. It will take ALL of us getting involved!

Here’s a brief overview of those Atlanta area ministries and the numerous ways you can get involved with each one.


human traffickingVictoria’s Friends (VF) is a non-profit that reaches out to hurting women, offering a better way of life to women in the adult entertainment industry in Atlanta.

Founder and director, Victoria Teague, shared, “89% of women in the sex industry said they wanted to escape but had no other means for survival.”

The main point of entry to reach these women is through the Baskets/Bags of Love outreach program. Gift baskets/bags are taken to women who are working in dance clubs with an offer to pray with them, connect them to resources, and help them break away from the adult entertainment industry.

VF also helps women who have left the adult entertainment industry through participation in small groups, mentor-ship programs and training classes.

Ways to get involved:

1. Collect items for the baskets/bags of love (think collecting/assembling them with a Bible study class or with your neighbors).

2. Go through volunteer training to be on an outreach team or to mentor a lady coming out of exploitation. Go HERE to register for volunteer training.

3. Financial donations to support ministry efforts.



human traffickingRescuing Hope is a non-profit whose mission is to enlighten the public about sex trafficking in America, educate potential victims and first responders, and empower advocates and survivors.

Susan Norris, founder and director of Rescuing Hope, shared, “Of the students who have been trafficked, 90% of them were groomed, lured, and recruited while in school.”

The team at Rescuing Hope takes that statistic to heart and is actively involved with enlightening and educating school personnel thanks to SB 401, which mandates Georgia schools address sexual abuse and exploitation.

Supporting and empowering survivors is also extremely important to the team at Rescuing Hope.

Ways to get involved:

  1. Go to Rescuing Hope’s website HERE to learn about volunteer opportunities. If interested, complete a volunteer form.
  2. Host an informational session to help educate your friends/family/neighbors/church about sex trafficking.
  3. Donate gift cards in $25 increments to the following stores: Old Navy, Walmart, Target, Kroger, QT, and RaceTrac.



human trafficking4Sarah is a non-profit, faith based organization that empowers change in the life direction of women and girls working in the sex industry as a stripper, prostitute, escort, porn star, or victim of sex trafficking  by offering a holistic approach as well as educational, emotional, physical, and spiritual support.

4Sarah’s programs include an outreach team, a care team, and an intervention team. Recently, 4Sarah opened an assessment house for women and their children who receive support while transitioning into a new life. For more information about 4Sarah, please listen to my podcast HERE with 4Sarah’s founder, Kasey McClure, titled The Human Trafficking Crisis.

Ways to get involved:

  1. Go to 4Sarah’s website HERE to learn about volunteer opportunities and to register for volunteer training.
  2. Collect items for their outreach gift bags. Go HERE for a list of needed items.
  3. Financial donations to support ministry efforts.



human traffickingThe Table on Delk is a first-touch ministry for women and children living in four motels on Delk Road in Marietta, GA who are currently or at risk of being sexually exploited. A hot lunch is provided on Wednesdays and Saturdays for those women and children at The Table.  While there, the volunteer team connects the women to resources in the area.

Sunday night men’s Bible study, Tuesday night teen girl’s Bible study, Wednesday night Celebrate Recovery, and Thursday night Bible study are also offered at The Table on Delk.

“This crisis is overwhelming and the need for volunteers is great,” Tina Williford, executive director of The Table on Delk, shared during our interview.

Ways to get involved:

  1. Go to The Table on Delk’s website HERE to learn about volunteer opportunities.
  2. Donations of meals, place mats, first-time visitor gift bags, and Bibles (think groups at your work/church/neighborhood donating together).
  3. Financial donations to support ministry efforts.



human traffickingAtlanta Redemption Ink (ARI) is a survivor led non-profit whose mission it is to turn painful reminders of the past into depictions of hope, freedom, and recovery. They provide free tattoo cover-ups and removals to survivors of sex trafficking, self harmers, overcomers of addiction, and former gang members.

Additionally, ARI provides trauma informed training and how to identify these markings to tattoo artists, removal specialists, and non-profits.

To understand the impact of a survivor led ministry, read ARI founder Jessica’s powerful overcomer story HERE.

Ways to get involved: 

  1. Volunteer to attend tattoo cover-up sessions by going to ARI’s website HERE.
  2. Participate on the fundraising/planning committee.
  3. Collect and donate creative journals.
  4. Financial donations to support ministry efforts.

TOGETHER We Can Help End Human Trafficking

human traffickingIn his passionate speech about abolishing slavery, William Wilberforce said, “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

You now know about the human trafficking crisis in OUR city of Atlanta.

Each of us have a choice: look the other way OR help end human trafficking in Atlanta by getting involved.

I can’t look the other way any longer. I’m getting involved. How about you?

TOGETHER, WE can help end human trafficking in Atlanta.

Will you join me?

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  1. Oh Melony —
    What a fabulous story!!! If you watch the news, even a little bit, you know what a problem and a challenge sex trafficking is in our beloved city. These ladies and their work is fantastic and I applaud & praise them. It takes so much love, dedication and pure guts to do what they do. Thank you for discovering and uncovering their work and sharing it with us. Our prayers and gratitude are with all these fine ladies. We wish them all the strength and success God can give them. We also bless all the young girls and women whose lives they are helping, changing and making a difference in their futures. This is so beautiful. Thanks again for sharing it.

    1. Thanks for reading the post. These women and many other ministry leaders in the Atlanta area ARE truly dedicated to ending human trafficking in Atlanta. It will take ALL of us getting involved to put an end to this nightmare.

  2. I have a friend who volunteers with an organization to help these young women. I never really knew how prevalent it was in Atlanta until she talked to me about it. Love the info you shared about how we can help!

    1. Until I interviewed these ministry leaders, I truly didn’t understand the depth of the crisis in Atlanta. So many women and children being forced to do the unthinkable.

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