
End It Movement


As a country, we’ve officially known it since 1863. But there’s something you might not know — slavery still exists. The End It Movement wants every man, woman and child to know that there are 27 million men, women and children, just like them, living in the shadows. In brothels. In factories. In quarries. Working as slaves. In 161 countries. Including our own. This movement is here to shine a light on slavery. No more bondage. No more sex trafficking. No more child laborers. No more, starting now.

Slavery is a problem that affects all races, religions and nations… it is a HUMAN PROBLEM.

To learn more, read these stories: Slavery Has a Face


Please watch this video about the End It Movement


The End It Movement

April 9th is the BIG DAY to promote awareness about the End It movement, sharing information about the atrocities of slavery, sex trafficking and child labor. Click here to learn more at End It Movement.

Connect with them on their facebook page and their twitter feed. Help spread awareness!

Share with me: The End It Movement has caused an awareness about the magnitude of the slavery problem. One that we can’t ignore. How about you? What will you do with this important information?

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