Gluten Intolerance – Trendy or Truth?
There’s so much hype in the media about gluten intolerance. Is it just trendy, or is it truth for some?
For seven years, the ten doctors Sherry*consulted with couldn’t explain the severe skin rash that covered her body.
* Her real name, used with permission.
Top of the List

In October of 2010, a battery of allergy tests finally confirmed Sherry’s suspicions. The list of food and environmental allergies was long.
And at the top of the food list of items she was allergic to was WHEAT.
Tears pored. That list vindicated her seven-year struggle. Relief washed over her as she finally had an explanation for her severe rashes.
However, the explanation didn’t yield an official diagnosis of celiac disease.
Long and Difficult Health Journey
Gluten intolerance may be a trendy diet plan for some, but for Sherry, it is truth.
Let’s go back to the start and unravel how through a long and difficult health journey, Sherry was able to uncover this truth.
In 2003, Sherry began experiencing random outbreaks of circular rashes on her skin. The itching and irritation were bothersome enough for her to agree to a biopsy.
The biopsy revealed she had dermatitis or eczema. Topical cream and steroids were prescribed.
Major Eruptions
Soon after, Sherry was laid off from her job. The stress of trying to juggle three freelance jobs to make ends meet exacerbated the rashes.
When she landed a full-time job and her stress lessened, the few rashes she had were easily managed with topical cream.
Another lay-off two years later amplified her stress, especially with the lack of health insurance.
Sherry described the skin rashes at that time as major eruptions. Believing those eruptions were stress-related, she never considered they might be related to her diet.
Increasingly More Painful
Because of her lack of health insurance, Sherry sought the help of dermatologists at an Atlanta hospital that accepted her on a sliding scale.
The allergy testing she underwent showed no allergies.
However, the small and large bumps located at her elbow and knee creases became increasingly more painful.
The painful rashes spread to her neck, causing her to wear clothes that covered her arms and neck year round.
Most fabrics irritated her rash, so she found she could only wear cotton.
Additionally, anywhere her skin was exposed to sunlight made her feel as if she were on fire.
Weight Loss a Huge Concern
By 2010, the rashes were quite literally taking over Sherry’s life.
Because the rashes were covering her entire body, she became self-conscious about her appearance and how others might perceive her as contagious.
As a result, her social interactions were limited to church. “Because I really didn’t talk to friends, I went into a bit of depression,” Sherry said.
Significant weight loss was a huge concern. “I went from a size 8 to a size 0 in a short period of time. I honestly looked malnourished.”
Eliminating Foods From Her Diet
During this time, Sherry researched how eliminating foods from her diet might uncover the root cause of her rashes. She tried a bland diet of rice, vegetables, salad, selected fruit, and baked chicken for a few weeks with no relief.
A few weeks of eliminating wheat didn’t yield any noticeable results.
No relief from eliminating dairy products, either. She then began juicing, but that caused even more outbreaks. Even washing her clothes with dye-free detergents didn’t decrease her rashes.
“It was very frustrating. I was physically tired and defeated. I was frustrated with my doctors, because they weren’t helping me find the cause.”
Daily prayers at Mass gave her the strength to make it another day. “I prayed I would have wisdom as I did research into possible causes for the rashes. I surrendered my worry and frustration to God as I believed He is faithful. I knew somehow He would give me some relief,” Sherry said.
An Outbreak of Shingles
Because the eczema was so severe, an outbreak of shingles was only noticeable because of the increased pain. Sherry had great difficulty sleeping, because the pain from the shingles was so unbearable.
Her doctor’s response? “There’s nothing we can do. It’ll have to play it’s way out.”
In August of 2010, Sherry was desperate. Desperate for an answer. Desperate enough to see yet another doctor. “I was still persevering, because I was determined to overcome what felt like a death sentence. I would die trying to find an answer.”
When she told the internist she had only been diagnosed with eczema, he was floored. He referred her to another dermatologist who prescribed topical creams. She asked him about gluten intolerance, but he said there wasn’t an actual test to diagnosis it.
“At this point, I was losing hope.”
Shocked and In Disbelief

A few weeks later over Labor Day weekend, Sherry made a trip home to show her mom the severity of her illness.
She took the train to Birmingham as she was so weak and her feet and legs so swollen she didn’t feel safe driving that distance.
“For the last few months, I’d told my mom about the struggles I’d been having, but not any details about my significant weight loss. My mom was shocked and in disbelief when she saw how I was withering away from the rash that had taken over my body.”
Confirmed Sherry’s Suspicions
She could tell how upsetting her condition was to her mom, which was emotionally hard on Sherry.
Her mom’s response gave Sherry the resolve to keep fighting. “When I prayed with my mom, something inside told me not to give up.”
In October of 2010, she went to a family practice doctor that had a sliding fee. This doctor took Sherry’s condition seriously!
She was shocked to learn Sherry had seen nine other doctors and received little to no treatments for her condition. “She was so caring and listened when I said I thought it was gluten intolerance.”
A battery of allergy tests finally confirmed Sherry’s suspicions. The list of food and environmental allergies was long.
And at the top of the food list of items she was allergic to was WHEAT.
Gluten Free Diet
Even though Sherry eliminated wheat for a few weeks during her second elimination diet in 2010, her body was so inflamed that a few weeks of no wheat wasn’t enough to reduce the rashes or detox her body.
Now that she had a definitive list with wheat as her top allergen, Sherry started a gluten free diet. “I had to find a new way of existing when I stopped eating foods that contained gluten.”
She researched what foods to eliminate and made a game plan she could stick to. Her body was so depleted, it welcomed her avoidance of those toxic foods.
A nautropath doctor prescribed the vitamins and minerals her adrenal glands desperately needed to de-stress and replenish.
Spin Out of Control
Sherry gave in to a craving during a Christmas gathering that year and ate a Krispy Kreme doughnut. “Within an hour, my neck broke out in a rash. That was all the proof I’d ever need that I would always have to maintain a strict gluten free diet.”
From the time Sherry received her list of allergies, it took well over a year to completely detox her body and gain weight back. “My intestines had to heal from all the damage the gluten caused.”
“I’ve had people say my gluten intolerance is trendy. My reply is that it is a real thing for people who have a food allergy to gluten. Our bodies spin out of control in pain when we eat gluten.”
Passionate About Helping Others

Because of the nightmare Sherry experienced those seven years, she’s passionate about helping others who are discovering they are gluten intolerant and guiding them on how to eliminate gluten from their diets.
She hopes to create a web site and blog that offers hope and inspiration to individuals with gluten intolerance, as well as highlighting foods that have hidden gluten additives.
She prepares most of her meals for fear of cross-contamination, so she’d like to share those gluten-free recipes on her web site, too.
I asked Sherry to offer her advice about overcoming obstacles. She said, “Overcoming is perseverance through adversity and never giving up. When adversity comes, fight with all your might. As you climb those mountains, you’re gaining experiences that will help others.”
Leave a reply: Sherry literally went through the fire during her health journey. April 3rd’s excerpt in her favorite book, Streams in the Desert, discusses the fires we will go through.
It says, “We are to honor the Lord in the trial – in the very thing that afflicts us . . . It is precisely there, in the heat of the fire, we are to glorify Him . . . To go through some fires will take great faith, for little faith will fail. We must win the victory in the furnace.”
Sherry knows others can benefit from what she learned in the fire. She’s ready to share that information. How are you sharing what you’ve learned from your fires?
Sherry, so glad you did not give up! Hope you will continue to experience good health. Bless you!
Thank you for your blessings! Have a healthy and happy new year!
Wonderful story! So glad she found the answer and relief!!
Thank you for reading my health journey story! Happy New Year!
Thank you for sharing your story, Sherry. So happy you are enjoying good health now and I hope you continue to do so. God bless you!
Kay, I appreciate you reading my story. After such a challenge, it feels wonderful to not be covered in rashes! May God bless you abundantly in 2018 and beyond!
So happy for you that you found the answer to your rashes. I hope you never have to deal with any thing like that again.
Glenda, thank you for celebrating with me my discovery of a healthful lifestyle! I wish you peace, joy, abundant blessings and good health in this wonderful new year!
The struggle is real for folks with food allergies.Sharing this interview, a friend of my son,
Sherry Jackson
who advocated for herself which in turn saved her life!! If being open about her struggle saved but one life all that she suffered AND learned from the experience will not be in vain. Ms Brown, thank you for shining a light on Sherry’s bravery, strength, tenacity and faith!!
Ms. Allen, thank you for your continued support and the kind words you shared. I am grateful to Melony Brown for sharing my story as well. Indeed, it is important to shine a light on the reality of food allergies. Many blessings to you in the new year and always!
Yes! Sherry is such an amazing woman and very disciplined and faithful. I applaud her and I am so thankful she never gave up. She shows that daily in all that she does and I am proud to call her my friend.
Thank you Terri for your continued support! As you know, faith without works is dead! God’s presence in our lives enables us to press on even when want to give up! Thank you for being a blessing to my life! Many special blessings to you in 2018 and always!
What a frightening ordeal! I’ve met a few people who say they have adopted a gluten-free diet but none with a compelling story like that. I’m so inspired by your journey.
G. Hubbard, thank you for reading my story! Indeed, it was a frightening ordeal! However, keeping my focus on God and His power enabled me to feel peace in the midst of my difficult circumstances! Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favorite scriptures. Always lean on Him, not your understanding! Wishing you a healthy and happy new year!
Sherry I am so glad you didn’t give up. You are such a beautiful person inside and out. You trusted in the Lord and he guided you through the storm. Wishing you nothing but good health.
Sheila, thank you for reading my story! I appreciate your kind thoughts! As a faith-centered woman, you know that trusting in the Lord is the key to getting through ANY storm! Wishing you a healthy and happy new year!
Thank you for sharing your story Sherry! I loved hearing how eliminating gluten from your diet dramatically changed how you felt and looked. Thank you showing us what perseverance and trust in the Lord looks like! May God continue to bless you!
Hi Brynn! Happy New Year! Thank you for reading my story and posting your kind comments! Trusting in the Lord sprinkled with perseverance is the key to achieving any goal in life! Continue to pursue your dreams ALWAYS! Never give up! You are truly a gifted and talented performer! May God bless you abundantly in this new year with much success and happiness!
What a great story of how perseverance will see you through. I am glad that you were your own advocate and took your health in your own hands. Your journey is admirable and will encourage others to press on. Gluten intolerance is real!
LaVon, thank you for your kind comments! Indeed, it is important to be our own advocate when the doctors are not fully listening to our concerns. We know our bodies better than anyone, but many times we are afraid to ask the necessary questions. Indeed, perseverance with faith and God’s wisdom will see one through! Many special blessings to you in 2018 and always!
Wow Sherry!!! Talking about overcoming obstacles…Your faith in God leaves me in awe. Your steadfastness and will to live is just incredible to read!!! It is inspiring to see you take your physical and spiritual so seriously, and how God guided you through his word. Reading your direct quotes, “Brought tears to my eyes, I’m so glad you didn’t loose hope!” You have a wonderful testimony people should know about, because this short version of your journey is a “Must Read!”
Thank you Stephanie for your kindhearted comments and encouragement! Indeed, there is so much more to my story. However, I am thankful to Melony Brown for her wonderful storytelling ability to capture the very essence of my journey in such a thoughtful way! Yes, God is the anchor of my life! His word (Jeremiah 29:11) tells me HE KNOWS the plans HE has for me, not man! Therefore, we must NEVER give up! Many amazing blessings are in store for you in 2018!
God is a great and an awesome god !!
Sherry you’re an awesome person to strive and press on to find out what your diagnosis was. I think it is so sad when Dr’s can’t be more consistent to help people with pain to find out what could be the problem. I’m glad God gave you the strength and knowledge to continue to persevere and not give up. It’s very nice of you to want to share the experience with others about gluten free products. And I pray that you will be able to share on the web with others. Thanks for sharing.
Sheryl…. Amen! God is great and awesome and faithful! Thank you for your encouraging comments! All praise to God for the perseverance and wisdom He gave me! Unfortunately, doctors don’t always know how to handle food allergies and many find it hard to believe the allergies even exist. In most doctor’s eyes, skin problems must be eczema. The severe “eczema” I was diagnosed with was baffling to the doctors because I never had eczema as a child. But, they did not dig deeper! They just prescribed more steroids and topical creams! This is why it is important for me to share my journey to gluten free! Much love, good health and many special blessings to you in 2018!
Sherry – you are a true fighter. Prayer, faith and preserverance are key to your strength. Encourage others to not give up!
Continue Blessings for Good Health!
Bea Mac…thank you for reading my story. I appreciate your encouraging words! Indeed, I will continue to encourage others to persevere in faith.
“Life with God is not immunity from difficulties but peace in difficulties.” C. S. Lewis
Wishing you good health and happiness Bea Mac today and always!!
Wow! God has brought you through a lot. You are most definitely a walking miracle. To God be the glory. God has allowed you to go through this situation to be a blessing to others. You are going to be successful. Your story is going to reach the world.
Veronica……..Yesssssszzz…to God be the glory! As you know, we serve a mighty and faithful God! Thank you for your encouraging words! Indeed, “the Lord made His face shine upon me and He was gracious to me.” Numbers 6:25
Wishing you God’s abundant blessings, including good health, joy, peace, wealth, and happiness!
Dear Sherry, thank you for sharing your story. Trusting the Lord and your dedication to finding the real solution for your illness, really pays for sure. Your story can help a lot of people who do not know why they are suffering like that and nobody can help them. You are an amazing person.
God bless you!
Fifi……thank you for taking time to read the story of my health journey. Thank you for your encouraging words! All glory goes to God for He gave me the strength to fight through with Him!
Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.
May God bless you today and always!
Thank you for sharing your Journey through your Illnesses and into your recovery..