When God Doesn’t Fix It

When God Doesn't Fix ItIn her book When God Doesn’t Fix It, Laura Story details the unexpected path she and her husband, Martin, have been traveling since 2006.

Just two years into their marriage, Martin’s CT and MRI results would dramatically change the trajectory of their lives.

A Brain Tumor

“The scans indicate I have a brain tumor and it is pressing on my pituitary gland, which is why I’ve been so sleepy,” he said to Laura.

Brain surgery to remove the malignant tumor. Meningitis. Shunts to reduce the swelling.

There were times during Martin’s three-month stay in the hospital Laura wasn’t sure he was going to make it.

When God Doesn’t Fix It

In a very raw and vulnerable way, Laura shares the realities of Martin’s ongoing health struggles, as well as her spiritual journey as she accepts the truth that sometimes God doesn’t fix it.

In fact, she says, “Our desire is for God to fix broken things. But God’s desire for us is to fix our relationship with him.”

It was through Martin’s dire health struggles that Laura gained even more significant insights.

“While doctors can heal physical ailments, emotional wounds can be soothed, and grief lessens with time, our broken relationship with God continues to cause us pain even when our life is going well. God wants to restore our relationship with him more than anything else. Though he loves us, he’ll allow us to feel the pain of this world’s unhealed hurts if it brings us closer to him.”

Brightest in the Dark

Because I’ve lived my own tumultuous journey and interview women to learn about their journeys of overcoming, I found myself relating to so many of Laura’s revelations.

She decided she needed to dive deeper into God’s word, so she read James 1:2-4. She wrestled with the text, because let’s face it, it’s hard to swallow.

After holding these words beside Martin’s ongoing health journey, she drew this conclusion:  “. . . when the trials of life happen, we need to hold on to God. It’s an opportunity for us to look in the dark for the less obvious blessings and mercies of God that we might overlook in the light. When we do, God shows us things that we might otherwise miss. God’s light is brightest in the dark.

Middle of Our Struggle

Years into the journey, Laura settled on two truths.

The first truth was realizing Martin’s brain tumor was far more than a temporary health issue.

“There came a bumpy detour called Brain Tumor. We took the detour and followed its winding ways. But I kept thinking the detour would take us back to the main road. It took me several years to realize that it wasn’t a detour; it was the road.

An offer to write and record an album brought to light the second truth. Should she wait for a better time? She knew Martin’s residual deficits would be ongoing, so there may never be a “good” time.

“We didn’t have a happy ending. I’d been in church long enough to know no one gives their testimony in the middle of their trials . . . We’d always be in the middle of our struggle – Martin would have to endure the side effects of his brain surgery forever.”


Thankfully, Laura decided not to let those truths derail her music ministry. She wrote and recorded her album Blessings in 2011.

Writing the song “Blessings” was Laura’s response when God asked her to be upfront about her need for Jesus.

“God was asking me to reveal the brokenness in my life not to show how faithless I was, but how faithful he is. God wasn’t going to use me in spite of my hard story; he was going to use my hard story.

I’ve chosen the lyric video for “Blessings” as I sincerely hope you’ll read the lyrics as you listen to to this incredible song.



An Unfinished and Broken Story

Laura studied John 4:40-42 about the Samaritan woman’s interaction with Jesus. She was struck by how the people listened to her despite her brokenness.

“God used her story. And the people responded to Jesus because of it,” she shared.

She goes on to say, “And why wouldn’t he want us to tell others the story of what he’s done for us, even if it’s an unfinished and broken story? If we’re willing to let him use our story, our whole broken story – not the sanitized, social-media-filtered version we want to share – our stories can be used to spread his unconditional love and to reveal his astounding grace to our community.

YES! YES! YES! I couldn’t agree more!

Motherhood and Ministry

Despite believing a family was out of the question, Laura and Martin have been blessed with three beautiful children.

Has it been easy? No. It never is. But it’s ALWAYS worth it!

Laura juggles motherhood and ministry well. To say she is busy is an understatement!

Grammy Award winner, Billboard Music Award winner, and multiple GMA Dove awards. Seven albums.

And touring across the country allows her fans to experience her powerful, worshipful music.

Laura also leads worship at Perimeter Church in Johns Creek, Georgia and has written two books. Currently, she is working on a third.

When God Doesn’t Fix It

For those of you facing a trial, When God Doesn’t Fix It is for you! You will take away so much truth and so much wisdom about how to continue living amidst your struggles.

With Laura in the public eye as a Christian musician, she could have easily kept the powerful message of this book to herself for fear it would taint her image. But she didn’t.

Because she so openly discussed her darkest moments, I respect her all the more. You will, too!

Get a copy of this book! Do it right now!

Leave a reply (below): I cannot say enough about the message she reiterates over the course of the book:  “. . . it is through our brokenness that God is the hero of our story.”
She ends the book with these words: “Share your story. Give God the glory. And live a better broken.”
Are you sharing your story?


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  1. I commented on this in November stating I couldn’t wait to read the book. Well it took me long enough to sit down and find the time to read it but I did. What an amazing book. There’s so much to take away from this book. I just wanted to keep highlighting things. Anybody can relate to this book. Tbrough all of our trials and tribulations there is a message each one of us can deliver to someone else out there. Your mess is your message. Your pain can be your deliverance. And your broken story will heal somebody else along the way. A must-read for anyone whether you believe or not!!

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