God’s Got This
The last eight months have been an unbelievable part of my journey of overcoming, to say the least.
My past: stroke at age 2 and three mini-strokes (February 2010, April 2014, September 2014). My neurologist said he would send me to speak to the neurosurgeon IF I had another mini-stroke.
In December of 2015, I had another mini-stroke.
Usual left-sided weakness, but with new cognitive issues (difficulty processing conversations, word retrieval struggles, not comprehending what I read).
A few days later, I was discussing my neurological condition with a brain surgeon! Unfortunately, my previous testing didn’t show the cause of my neurological struggles.
A Diagnosis of Moya Moya Disease
An Angiogram was ordered. A diagnosis of MoyaMoya disease was given. It’s the blood vessel cluster (circled in red) on the middle cerebral artery.
Basically, that blood vessel in my brain didn’t form properly and wasn’t allowing good blood flow.
“I can do indirect brain by-pass surgery, which will reroute blood flow and open a new pathway,” Dr. Khaldi, my neurosurgeon said.
As scary as brain surgery sounded, the potential for more damaging mini-strokes/strokes sounded even scarier.
God’s Got This

Tiffany, a previously interviewed overcomer, gave me a lead on a brain surgery overcomer two years ago, and I hadn’t followed up on it. She messaged me again and encouraged me to interview Patty.
Patty‘s incision to remove the brain tumor was by her right ear. My incision would be by my right ear. Her story wasn’t exactly like mine, but the similarities were undeniable. Her positive energy about overcoming was just what I needed.
After the interview, I couldn’t remember why I hadn’t followed up on Tiffany’s lead. But I did know without a doubt I needed THAT STORY at THAT PRECISE TIME in my life. As I hung up the phone with Patty, I shook off the stunned feeling in my chest and was overwhelmed with the belief that God’s got this.
Several days later, I observed a student with academic struggles. The only direction I’d given the teacher was to make sure I observed the student reading orally and answering comprehension questions.
When I arrived, the teacher asked the students to open their science books so they could continue their lesson on the brain.
I couldn’t help but laugh, because once again, God showed me He’s got this. Actually . . . when I shared this with my best friend Amy, she kept telling me she could hear the giddiness in my voice.
Teacher Appreciation Day at my school occurred a few days before my surgery. Several funny teacher videos were shown, as well as several inspirational videos. Goosebumps covered my arms when a video of a neurosurgeon thanking the teacher who inspired him was shown.
As I watched the video, “God’s got this” reverberated through my mind. Just like when you feel a sermon was meant just for you, I truly believe the message of that video was just for me.
Because I was focused on my health issues, I honestly hadn’t been keeping up with politics. But, I wanted to vote.
Voting in the Georgia primaries the night before my surgery culminated with a Facebook post made by husband after I told him I voted for Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon. He posted: Melony Brown might be a good night to vote for a brain surgeon. God is good!
No doubt neurosurgeons were on my mind.
I have been mentoring my precious Avery for five years, so she knows all about my health struggles. Even though I kept telling her God’s got this, she was freaking out about my upcoming brain surgery.
She’ll never know how much it meant to me to have her there on surgery day. You can tell from our pic she became confident about my surgery. As she was leaving the pre-op room, she hugged me and said, “God’s got this!”
When I shared how he and his staff were covered in prayer, my neurosurgeon Dr. Khaldi, grabbed my hand and said, “People don’t understand the power of prayer. Thank you for praying for me. I give it to Him.”
To have the surgeon who would be operating on my brain acknowledging God and giving Him credit wrapped me in the most intense peace. After hearing those words, I knew God’s definitely got this!
(A side note: I cried when I got home after meeting Dr. Khaldi the first time because he was so direct and non-emotional. I actually debated about whether or not he was the right neurosurgeon for me. How crazy of me to doubt as God knew all along!)
Just minutes before surgery, Dr. Khaldi’s operation room nurse flung back the curtain to my pre-surgery room and said, “I knew it was you! I’m so glad I get to be in there with you during your surgery.”
Seeing Kim (a friend from high school with a strong faith) was God confirming one last time He’s got this. She FILLED me with encouragement as she pushed me to the operating room and held my hand until I went under.
*** I tear up as I write this, because I can tell you with unashamed confidence God WAS there. The presence of God was in EVERY situation and person leading up to my surgery. Strung together to assure me He was with me.***
During My Surgery
My husband Jeff, my parents, my mother-in-law, my BFF Amy, and Avery waited patiently during my 4 1/2 hour surgery. Hundreds of extended family, co-workers, church family, and friends also prayed.
Kim updated everyone several times during my surgery. Thank you, Kim!
It was incredibly reassuring to have such a huge cheering section on the sidelines.
After My Surgery
Jeff took this picture with my overcomer O upon seeing me after my surgery. With great hesitation. He was afraid our family would kill him for taking this picture. I knew they wouldn’t.
I didn’t look great, but I kept telling my mom, “I made it! I made it!”
While waiting hours upon hours in recovery, the words “God’s got this!” kept running through my mind. God definitely worked a miracle that day, and I’m living proof!
Out of the hospital in 2 1/2 days.
No pain meds of any kind after day 7.
Stitches out and cleared to drive in 10 days.
When asked how I was feeling during my recovery, the most descriptive word I could use was … UNBELIEVABLE!
About a month after surgery, I had a tiny mini-stroke.
I frantically questioned Dr. Khaldi about it. He calmly replied, “Now would be the time for you to have one since the new blood vessel hasn’t had enough time to branch off and form new blood vessels. I’m not worried.”
My follow up MRI was clear. I was excited to see the titanium plates (black curved area) that were added during surgery. Pretty cool, huh?
No More Flowers
For those who’ve followed my journey, you know I update my tattoo with each health challenge.
So, I added the dragonfly to symbolize my brain surgery as dragon flies represent overcoming obstacles. After my mini-stroke , I added the blue flower under the dragonfly.
MY ARM IS FULL. My tattoo artist, Erick, and I have firmly decided there will be no more flowers!
In September – at the six month post-surgery mark – I have a follow-up Angiogram scheduled. I will post those results here when I have them.
I can’t help but be filled with gratitude. I have devoured Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts at least ten times over the last few years, underlining and starring a different phrase each time I read it. She’s quite good at convicting you about the importance of practicing gratitude.
“The practice of giving thanks . . . eucharisteo . . . this is the way we practice the presence of God, stay present to His presence, and it is always a practice of the eyes. We don’t have to change what we see. Only the way we see,” she writes. I SAW peace, healing, love, answered prayers.
My gratitude stems from truly experiencing the presence of God during this most difficult challenge in my life. The picture above is from a page of my One Thousand Gifts devotional where I’ve been recording my eucharisteo gifts.
I filled several pages before and after my surgery as I did not want to forget ALL the many gifts I’ve received. A few were tangible gifts, but many were intangible gifts:
- psychometrist telling me I have great compensatory skills despite the damage to my brain from stroke and mini-strokes
- brain surgery – a success!
- cards and cards and cards of support lining the fireplace mantle
- scar beginning to itch – it’s healing!
- hugs from students happy to see me when I returned to work
- top down on the Jeep and sun on my face
Melony, your words are captivating, genuine, and so effective at conveying your incredible journey. Clearly, they are straight from your heart and make me think about all for which I am grateful. Thank you for being our original overcomer and for bringing us all together on this site. You will never know how much I appreciate you and your friendship. Your life is the epitome of being positive, being ‘real,’ paying it forward, and living a Godly life. Thank you for the blessing of sharing it all with us.
Wow, Cindi! Thank you for your kind kind words. It is a true honor to get to share all the amazing overcomer stories … yours included!
God gets all the credit on my story!!!
Melony, You are an overcomer! You have been through so much and you have seen God at work in your life. His love is overwhelming. (love the tattoo!) Bless you with continued health.
Thank you, Maureen! I truly appreciate the continued support. You are such an amazing overcomer, too!
What an awesome story! Thank you for sharing and allowing us to be blessed by your story! Much love, Elizabeth
Thank you, Elizabeth! You’ve got quite an overcomer in your husband!
Thank you, Gayle! I HAVE to share all that He’s done for me!
Melony, you are such a strong woman! I once thought that God did not love me or even cared about me because when I prayed for him to remove me from the evils that was my life, he didn’t. I know now that he does exist and that he is the reason I am the person that I have become today. I also understand that he puts us all through trails to teach us how to help others. Just as you are helping so many to struggle through their problems. You are such an amazing person and I admire you for what you have done along with what you are doing. Keep up the wonderful inspiration to others. I am proud to say that you have inspired me to be an even better overcomer than I ever was. May God continue to bless you!
Thank you, Teressa! I cannot wait to share your story of overcoming! You, my friend, are amazing!
Melony, you are such an inspiration to your Mom and you have inspired so many with your over comer stories and now this one of you. I love that you are giving all the credit to your God that has led you through all of this. It was such a scary thing for us at age 2 when you had your first major stroke. You were so tiny and fragile. We could not believe this had happened to you. The scariest part was what it would mean to your future health and well being. You are such an over comer that you have met every obstacle with determination to beat them. I know we all felt the love of God and his protection as you went into surgery. You taught us all a deeper faith with what he can and will do for us. Your family gives me every reason to want to be alive to see what all of you will accomplish in life. May God continue to shine down upon you as you share his love with everyone you meet. Love you!!!!! Mom
Thank you, Mom! You and Dad have never let me quit. As a child, you had me involved in so many activities to strengthen my left side. I learned determination from both of you. Thank you for all your love and encouragement! Love you both!
Hi Melony! Great story although you shared your story with me when we met, it takes on a different feeling when you actually read it. That is exactly the responses I received from my friends when they read my story that you wrote. Your journey is an inspiration to many thank you for sharing the story with us so we can continue to think about your words “God’s got this” we all need to trust in these words in our life!
Thank you, Robbin! I loved meeting you and hearing your overcomer story.
Melony, you inspire others through this wonderful blog. Thank you for sharing your story and all the others. What a great example of God’s plan. All that know you are truly blessed. Looking forward to seeing you in the halls soon. ?
Thank you, Heather! Not sure I’m ready to be at school yet!Could use a few more weeks of summer vacation! 🙂
Melony, Your journey is amazing in so many ways. I have learned so much from you about courage, determination, your positive outlook, and your abiding faith in God. Your example and testimony are powerful proof that ‘With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26. Thank you for being the best daughter in law possible. I love you so much! Sandra (Meme)
Thank you, Sandra! Your love and support during all of my health challenges has been amazing and truly appreciated! I love you!
Hi Melony, Sandra sent this to me! I can’t stop crying! You are so talented and inspirational! You are truly an angel in God’s army to help us all remember that “God’s got this” whenever we are down or challenged with physical or mental illnesses or disabilities no matter how large or small! We were all praying for you during that surgery and after! Thank you so much for all you do to help us all remember” God’s Got This!”
Thank you, Laurie, for your prayers. I definitely felt them! God is so good!
Thank you for sharing your story in depth! As a teacher you know that the trials we go through are there as a tool to be able to not only teach others as they go through something similar, but to HEAL others. You let them know there is hope and a future! You are disciple of the good Lord, sharing your adversity and showing the real signs of struggle even if there are tears. People see that you are real! People see truth. People see Love. People see God. It’s always in His control and His plan and you have demonstrated faith beyond measure! Thank you and continue sharing your story as well as so many others! You are a light and I pray you continue to heal! Big Hugs!
Thank you, Jessica, for your kind words. I give God all the credit for my healing.
Hey, I love you. Lots.
Right back at ya, babe.
I am so proud to call this woman my friend, encourager,and fellow warrior. She is TOUGH and lives a life of faith and trust. We have been brought together for “such a time as this”. Love you Mel!
You were such a huge encourager during the last 5 years, especially this last year leading up to my surgery and during my recovery. I love you!
For whatever reason I’ve just read this for the first time. I’m crying because I’m SO thankful the GOD did have this! A thousand Hallelujahs!!!
Every thing I have read Melony just proves over and over again God’s word, every word of the Bible is true!!! Isa 58:11, Deut 31:6, Heb 13:5 just to name a few places God tells us He will never leave or forsake us, goes with us wherever we go, His favor is all we need! ” God’s got this” yes, and “God shows up in person at exact right second BUT never early”!!! Google the painting “His Presence”…………….see you next Thurs, I can NOT wait, just silly with excitement, imagine a 71 yr old kid…. Blessings for you and yours!!!