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Hope Prevails

“I’ve written this book because I’ve been there,” Dr. Michelle Bengtson shares in her newly released book Hope Prevails. Not only does she treat patients who are in the pit of depression, but she’s been there herself.

Chains of Depression Falling Off

As a board-certified neuropsychologist, Dr. Michelle Bengston offers therapy for patients who struggle with depression, but her viewpoint about overcoming depression changed when she was diagnosed with it.

Her vulnerability shows when she says, “I was sad and irritable and constantly felt defeated. My greatest shock came when I tried the same treatment suggestions I typically offered my patients – and they didn’t work. I tried medication, I participated in therapy, I ate right and exercised dutifully, and I even prayed and claimed healing. For me those things weren’t enough.”

The shift happened “only when I started to understand what depression does to us spiritually, as well as what it cannot do, and then started cooperating with God did I finally begin to experience the chains of depression falling off.”

Her Overcomer Attitude

I’ve followed Michelle’s Facebook posts about her upcoming book and ordered it soon after it was released. I haven’t struggled with depression, but I wanted to read her book anyway. I suspected she is an overcomer. And I was right!

Michelle’s faced some big struggles. But her overcomer attitude is evident on every page of this book. Her mantra of “hope prevails” is the consistent thread in the struggles she’s faced and fought to overcome: an undiagnosable and life-threatening illness as a child that resulted in her very petite height and physically deformed leg and foot, walking the path of cancer with her husband for years, miscarrying a child, and depression.

Tested Battle Plans

Napoleon's battle plans for the Battle of Lutzer in 1813
Napoleon’s battle plans for the Battle of Lutzer in 1813


She could have chosen to live in defeat, but she hasn’t. Hope Prevails is her tried and tested battle plans in her fight to overcome. She identifies the real enemy. And she’s sharing those strategic battle plans with those who are in battle right now, offering tools so they too can overcome their struggle with depression.

Based on John 10:10 which says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” Michelle asserts Satan uses three primary attacks to perpetuate depression:

  1. to kill our joy
  2. to steal our peace
  3. to destroy our identity

Over the course of the rest of the book, she shows the reader how to:

  1. recover your joy
  2. reclaim your peace
  3. re-establish your identity

At the end of each of these chapters, Michelle provides thought provoking questions to consider, a prayer for you related to the topic of the chapter, and a recommended playlist of songs that will focus your mind on overcoming your struggle with depression.

Determined to Win the War

It wasn’t easy for Michelle to get to the point of recovering her joy, reclaiming her peace, and re-establishing her identity. In fact, those were dark days for her: “Returning to physical, emotional, and spiritual health took time. I had to diligently pay attention to my thoughts and actively question whether they were coming from God or from the enemy. Some days seemed like torture and made me wonder if the fight was worth the effort. During those dark days and nights, tears flowed freely, yet I determined to win the war against the enemy of my soul.”

Those, my friends, are the words of an overcomer!

God Uses Your Pain

My favorite chapter of Hope Prevails is the one titled “God Uses Your Pain.” The overcomer stories I share on this web site demonstrate that very thing.

She says, “God repeatedly offers me the opportunity to partner with him and share my story to offer encouragement and hope to those who are earlier in their walk but on the same journey I traveled.”

She goes on to say, “No greater joy exists than watching God use for good what the enemy intended to harm me.” I love how she’s referring to Genesis 50:20!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Hope Prevails

michelle-bengtsonI don’t know Dr. Michelle Bengston personally, but she is a fellow writer friend on Facebook. I read her posts. I see the love she has for her husband and two sons when she posts pictures. I love her positive attitude!

She’s been in the pit of depression and found a way out. She knows the struggle. And she knows the weapons needed to fight to overcome depression.

If you struggle with depression, you NEED this book. If you’re stuck and need some tools to get unstuck, you NEED this book. Hope Prevails is a must read!


Leave a Reply (below): “I am thankful. God never protects us from that which He will use to perfect us. He changed me. That painful experience changed and challenged me in unexpected ways,” she says. Agree or disagree?

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One Comment

  1. I love the phrase “hope prevails”. I hate that you had to journey through so much pain to understand your clients or patients, but thankful at the same time. I’m sure your ability as a doctor was more meaningful after your own encounter with darkness shed more light on the difficult challenges of depression. I’m definitely interested in your finished book.

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