Lives for the Moments, Part 2
If you haven’t read part 1 of Jule’s story, please read it before reading the conclusion to her story.

Spot of Breast Cancer
Two years after having a double mastectomy, Jule’s doctors found a suspicious spot on her back. The breast cancer had returned. She underwent surgery to remove the cancer and endured more chemotherapy. As if all her previous health issues weren’t enough, she began experiencing a numbness in her face. It caused Jule to wonder if she’d had a stroke. The doctors ruled out stroke and determined the numbness she was experiencing was Bell’s palsy. The numbness lasted about six months. Two years after her last breast cancer scare, the doctors found another spot of breast cancer on Jule’s 7th vertebrae. A more aggressive treatment was needed this time. Her doctors took out her 7th vertebrae and replaced it with two of her ribs. A “metal cage” was put in her back to protect this sensitive area. She began experiencing pain in her legs and back as a result. Additionally, she began a maintenance chemotherapy regimen with the hopes of eliminating any further recurrence of breast cancer.
Faith in God
During all of those years of Jule’s health struggles with breast cancer and the painful treatments, she admits she couldn’t have made it without her faith in God and the support of her precious family.
Romans 5:3-5 is Jule’s favorite Bible verse. Her daughter, Jordan, wrote this note on Jule’s Facebook page about her favorite verse: “This passage perfectly describes the wonderful and brave woman I am lucky enough to call my mother. Even on her worst and saddest of days she still shines the brightest light and takes refuge in her faith. Mom, I am so thankful for your stubbornness and will to never give up and how you take on all of these challenges with the mindset of “ain’t nothin’ but a thang.” I love you so so very much. This world would definitely not be the same without you, and I would never have come close to the person that I am without MY crazy momma. Thank you for giving each day your absolute all.”
Jule smiles when she tells me her husband still treats her like she is the most beautiful woman in the world. It means so much to her because she says, “having so many health struggles not only affects me, but also everyone around me.”
A New Kind of Health Challenge
Several years ago, Jule faced a new kind of health challenge when she started choking and her throat closed. She couldn’t get in any air. Rushed to the Emergency Room, her doctor decided a tracheotomy was her only option. The trachea tube helped her breath again, but an infection occurred from the antibiotics she was given. She was told the infection in her bowels, named clostridium difficile or c-diff, could be deadly.
The doctors admitted her to the Intensive Care Unit to deal with the deadly infection. Her blood pressure was extremely low, which concerned her doctors. They removed the temporary trachea tube and replaced it with a permanent one.
Strength to Carry On

Jule found herself once again facing serious health challenges. It began to feel overwhelming. Depression set in. She cried out to God, “Give me the strength to carry on.”
A year and a half after the permanent trachea was put in, the doctors agreed it could be removed.
It would seem she has overcome her last hurdle, but the every three week maintenance chemo treatments and the six week echo cardiograms continue on. She also has a yearly PET scan, MRI, and CT scan to make sure the chemotherapy is not damaging her heart. She is determined to prevent any cancer from returning.
What Now?
Jule is excited to be working part time at a Christian bookstore. She and a friend are also working on the plans for a company called Runfurrit, which will fulfill her dreams of sharing her message of hope through inspirational speaking. After reading all the comments from part 1 of Jule’s story about how she has touched and inspired so many, I truly believe she will be successful! I just had to ask Jule about her advice for overcoming all of the various health struggles she’s faced. Her advice: “Stay focused on loving others, doing something fun and meaningful, and always having something to look forward to!”
Share with me: Not enough can be said for the importance of having a support system. Jule’s family and friends have strengthened her during her numerous heath struggles with their endless encouragement and unwavering love. Share ways your friends or family have supported you during a difficult time in your life.
On November 22, 2017, Jule’s long and courageous fight against breast cancer ended. I know God welcomed her with open arms.
Jule is an amazing woman whose light does always shine! She truly does rock on!
Jule certainly practices what she preaches! She is an inspiration to all she meets and I feel blessed to know her and call her a friend! What a blessing!
Wow.. This is truly “one for the books.” What a life long journey!!!
What an incredible story of strength and faith. Jule, you are walking testimony to the power, strength and grace of God. Thank you for running into His arms instead of running away!
Jule is definitely an inspiration to all she meets. I’ve never seen her without one of those amazing smiles. Many blessings to you all!
Jule is truly a testimony of her love for God and his love for her. I’m glad she had lots of good firends and family to help her through a lifetime of challenges.
Jule is a true inspiration for all.
Once again, JULE is the most inspirational person/friend I have ever known. I will be the first in line to see her speak. love you Jule
It is rare to find someone that has the spirit that Jule does….she is truly a remarkable person and she proves that life is not about the things that happen to you, but most important what defines you is how you react to the things that happen. Jule has a message that needs to be shared and I want to help her get it out to the people that need to hear her…..any suggestions will be appreciated!!
HI Melony! I happened upon your Blog this morning when I searched for The Scarf Game, and I am so happy I did! I, too have blogged about this courageous woman who I was blessed to call my friend.
As I consider all I know and love about Jule Furr, I am inspired to go forward in my life journey with her mind, living out my faith with the best version of myself.
These writings (both Part 1 and Part 2) are wonderful, thought-provoking, and moving. I have linked both parts in my recent blog post on Pages From Joan (Facebook Page) / (on the web)
I look forward to following your blog!