Miracles for Mak

“Miracles for Mak” became the anthem soon after Faye’s* son, Mak, suffered a ruptured AVM and stroke. It’s the prayer she and her family still pray two years after his life-altering health crisis.
* Her real name is used with permission.
They claim the promise found in Matthew 19:26: “With man this impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
The First of Mak’s Miracles

Just days before Mak’s health crisis, he enjoyed prom with his friends. No one would have suspected this outgoing, gifted athlete who loved God would get a sip of water during his weight training class, return, and fall unconscious on March 19, 2018.
His lacrosse trainer acted promptly, calling 9-1-1, following a sternum rub with no response. By the time Faye arrived at the hospital, a neurosurgeon was preparing Mak for emergency surgery.
“When Mak’s friend called me and explained what happened, I really thought Mak must be dehydrated. I just didn’t think it was that serious. Until I got to the hospital. The neurosurgeon explained he needed consent for surgery to stop the bleed from a brain hemorrhage. That’s when I knew it was serious,” she shared.
The first of Mak’s miracles was where he was when his AVM rupture and stroke occurred. “It was a miracle that it didn’t occur twenty minutes later when he was supposed to drive his sister home from school. Or when he was on the bus to a lacrosse match. Or when he was sleeping. God had him in the right place,” Faye explained.
Good Chance for Recovery
After Mak’s surgery, the neurosurgeon explained the arteriovenous malformation or AVM, a rare congenital disease, that ruptured deep in Mak’s left frontal lobe had been there since birth. Because of the size of the bleed, Mak suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, as well.
“There’s a good chance for recovery because he’s young and athletic,” the neurosurgeon shared.
His prognosis filled Faye and her husband, Mark, with hope. “But he was careful to say recovery would be a long process as the stroke hit the area that affected his speech and his right sided motor functions,” Faye explained.
Another surgeon wasn’t as optimistic: “He may never speak well or not at all. And he may suffer from permanent right-sided paralysis.”
She Would See Miracles
Fear and worry for Mak’s future could have overwhelmed Faye, but she determined from that moment that she would see miracles regarding his health. “From the beginning, we chose to believe he would make a full recovery.”
After several weeks in the ICU, Mak was transferred to Shepherd Center in Atlanta. Progress was slow, but several milestones were reached within the first three months: Mak stood with assistance, his trach was taken out, a manual wheelchair that he could move himself replaced the push wheelchair, and he swallowed solid food.
Because he was in the hospital during his high school graduation, Mak’s principal and other administrators presented his IB diploma and IB medal to him in June of 2018.
Words of Encouragement
From the moment Faye, Mark, and Mak’s siblings could get to his bedside, they each offered words of encouragement and love. “Once he emerged from his coma like state, we had conversations about what an incredible story God was writing. We talked about how God has amazing plans for his life and that is why he survived this catastrophic event.
“I talked with Mak about how of all my children, he was the one God knew could handle this challenge best and he was the one who would inspire and lead others to God. We laugh about how each of his siblings would be in his situation,” Faye shared.
When asked about his view of the AVM stroke, Mak said, “It’s just a big thing that happened to me. I feel lucky to be here. I just take one day at a time. It’s taught me not to take things for granted.”
Mak was greatly encouraged to learn that several friends have rededicated their lives to Jesus or accepted Christ as a result of seeing how he relies on his faith when his life was so dramatically impacted by his health crisis.
Continue His Recovery

Mak was cleared to continue his recovery at home in September of 2018. He began a regimen of occupational therapy, speech therapy, aqua therapy, neuromuscular massage therapy and robot assisted therapy. As his primary caregiver, Faye also works with him at home every day. She’s very grateful to Mark and Mak’s siblings who also help with the therapies while she does meal prep and house cleaning or takes a minute for herself.
Mak took advice from a fellow stroke survivor and friend who encouraged him to treat his rehab and recovery as his full-time job. “He gives it 110% as he wants to go to college, be with his peers, and live independently,” Faye shared.
In September of 2019, Mak underwent stereotactic radiosurgery, a form of radiation therapy, instead of surgery to reduce the AVM. In March of 2020, Mak and his family received hopeful news. “The AVM has shrunk considerably and may even be gone,” his oncologist said. The AVM shrinking is one of the many miracles Mak and his family have celebrated since that awful day in March of 2018.
Mak received early acceptance letters from the University of Georgia and Georgia Southern University for the 2018-2019 school year. But he wasn’t quite ready. Mak was ready to begin online classes this fall at Georgia Southern, but well . . . pandemic and all. So, he jumped in early and has successfully completed a Math class with an A! He’s excited to continue working toward a degree in exercise science or computer science.
An Indescribable Gift
A well-known expression from the 1940s says, “Behind every good man there is a good woman.” That saying beautifully describes Faye. She minimizes what she’s done and continues to do for Mak. “Any mother would do this for their child,” she explained.
She’s right but devoting her full-time focus and energies to caregiving is an indescribable gift that will impact Mak for the rest of his life.
Robert Downey, Jr. has a spin on this saying, and I believe it especially rings true regarding Faye.
Caregiving Is Joyful

I asked Faye to describe her role as Mak’s caregiver. She said, “Caregiving is joyful. When my children were infants and learned something new, we would squeal with delight. We were excited to show off their new skills to others. As Mak masters skills we take for granted, we squeal with delight and post it on Facebook and his Caringbridge page.”
“Taking him to his therapies fills our calendar, but I love seeing his progress. Because he is not able to ambulate independently yet, I help him toilet, shower, and dress. We practice walking every day to improve his balance and activate his muscle memory of putting one foot in front of the other. Caregiving is joyful, but it’s also exhausting. Mak is a 190 pound medically fragile young man, which means sometimes my body is physically sore from helping him transfer to his wheelchair. It can be mentally draining with having to deal with insurance and bills, researching and deciding on the best rehab methods, and juggling medicine dosages. I thank God for my husband who works full-time and then pitches in with cooking, cleaning, laundry, yard work, and caring for Mak.”
We never know when life will change, and we will feel called to step into the role of caregiver. Faye has these words of advice if that day comes: “Stay positive no matter what. Look for the silver lining in everything, especially on the horrible days. Stay faithful to God as leaning into Him is what will get you through. Take a moment for self-care whether it’s praying, meditating, or exercising – anything that renews you. Accept help and ask for help. And believe in miracles!”
Accept Help and Ask for Help
Faye hasn’t focused on the hard days; instead, she appreciates what Mak’s health crisis has taught her. “It has given me a great appreciation for families that have a child or children with a disability. And how challenging our world is for individuals with both physical and intellectual disabilities. I believe it has instilled in all of us to have more empathy. You really don’t know what it’s like until you walk in those shoes,” she shared.
The greatest lesson Faye has learned is to accept help and ask for help. “I am not used to being on the receiving side. I thrive on jumping in and helping others. Organizing and executing activities to help others was a joy. When Mak’s incident happened, and we were the ones needing help, it was very humbling and overwhelming. To have all those people help and support us, it has touched our hearts. We are so thankful.”
So impressed with the strength Faye and Mak share and carry together each day. Giving up is not an option.
With God’s help we simply move forward on the path before us- one day at a time.
So much for for all of the Yost clan!!
Flowers House
May God continue to bless your sweet family! I pray Mak continues to heal and will have a full recovery. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.
Thank you so much! You are absolutely correct. Giving up is not an option! And with God by our sides we don’t have to.
What a beautiful story of Faith and perservance! Prayers for continued improvement!
Thank you so much for continued prayers!!
What a journey for Mak. He and his mothers determination to make life better is working. Hopefully this will carry him through to independence.
Thank you Glenda for reading our story!! Yes! Independence is what we pray for!
Thank you wonderful Faye for sharing Mak’s incredible story! I admire you both so much for your faith, love and perseverance that is second to none. It has been a true blessing to be your next door neighbor for so many years and see first hand God’s work of bringing something beautiful out of something so tragic. Mak, you and your family have truly inspired all of us to never give up, stay positive and trust God, we love you all so much!
Sharon, you are an inspiration! We love you and David so much! God knew what he was doing when he placed us right next door to you!
Incredible strength, perseverance, faith, determination and love! Sleighton and I are always inspired by the powerhouse of unstoppable joy and faith that we see every time we are around Faye & Mak. We pray always for continued healing and miracles for both Faye & Mak! ❤️❤️❤️ We love you guys!!!
We were carved from the same place! Thanking God for that! Love you lil sis! For loving my kids, especially Mak as your own! And always being there for me.
I believe God has used Mak and Faye to show us his Grace. Faye is an amazing woman who is supportive to so many people especially those with disabled family members. Continue to shine his light for us all to see!!
Deborah, God put you in our path when He knew we needed you and your pups. I truly believe that they have helped with Mak’s healing and our families healing. They have given us so much joy and unconditional love just like our Heavenly Father! Thank you for all of your gifts! Love to you and Jesse!
Mak and Faye’s journey have been a beautiful testament to the power of faith and trust in God. The Holy Spirit shines through you both and continues to be an inspiration to many! ❤️ Love you both! ❤️
Kati, you and your whole family have been heaven sent. God knew I needed you to make it through those early days, weeks, months. Thank you friend! Love to you and your family!
Faye – you are the definition of selflessness, courage, strength, hope, love, and miracles. I am so blessed to witness your faithfulness and beautiful journey . I know you say, any mother would do this for their child and many out there would …. but you, Faye are simply amazing – no question. Thank you for being such a light to everyone that knows you.
Faye what a beautiful story of strength and grace!!! Such an amazing story of Love and protection- You are such an inspiration!! LV