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My Identity Is Found in Him


As much as I love writing the stories of overcomers, Angel*’s story is best told in her own words. Her courage in sharing her story is simply amazing. You’ll quickly see what I mean. Please watch her video below.

*Her real name, used with permission.

Permission to use Angel’s video from Cumberland Community Church.




Angel tells me she numbed her pain by cutting and practicing bulimia, because those destructive habits allowed her to release control over her emotions. Taking a bottle of pills and slitting her wrists were her final attempts at escaping the pain she felt. Thankfully, she was unsuccessful.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the name given to the struggle Angel experiences when she has nightmares, flashbacks, or panic attacks as a result of the trauma she experienced as a child. “If the PTSD helps me to rely on/be dependent on God, then who am I to question it. I wake up now feeling gratitude because I don’t live in that anymore,” she says.

My Identity Is Found in Him

Angel now works as a Community Development Administrator at her church. It gives her opportunities to support and minister to others who face various struggles. She has dreams of writing, speaking, and teaching so she can encourage women to not let the challenges/struggles/hardships/tragedies of this life break them. Rather, her message will be one of overcoming so they can live in victory. And not defeat.

“The enemy wants me to despise the things that keep me dependent on God. But God can use my struggles as a way to transform me. I know my identity is found in Him,” she shares as we end the interview.

Share with me: No matter how far away from God we find ourselves, He can always lead us home.



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  1. I have the honor and privilege to work alongside Angel. She is a true testimony of God’s redemption and unending grace.

  2. What a blessing to hear Angel’s testimony! Such a powerful, courageous story of redemption and hope. We hurt and reject ourselves, others join in, but Jesus is the only One who heals, forgives, and enables us to transform! Bless you Angel and thank you for sharing your story with Melony so others can be encouraged and blessed.

  3. 10th BIRTHDAY! WOW. I was riveted to her story. You are right, Mel, hearing her tell it was powerful. And what she can’t explain is the Grace and Peace that surpasses all understanding, because it comes from the Lord. What a BRAVE and AMAZING woman! Her guilt and shame are gone, and her story is HOPE for some other woman out there to know that there is a way out of that cycle. I am sitting at my desk feeling the Love of the Lord just by hearing her story. Amazing!

  4. Angel,
    I pray that your heart will always feel the AWESOMENESS of the FATHER. I pray your story is spread throughout our society and reaches those places where girls and women that have experienced these horrors in their lives will see the hope and love that radiates through your eyes!

    Father, thank you for Angel’s open heart and sharing spirit. I so appreciate people who are transparent, Lord, and can open up and tell the truth so that others can see you and your works in their life. Please Father, provide Angel with the peace that passes all understanding. Please send people to uplift her. And I pray that she will always have the hope and love in her eyes that she has today! In Jesus’ AWESOME and POWERFUL NAME!!! Amen

  5. wow…I have watched this video several times and I am amazed! I am amazed at how God has helped Angel be the great person she is today, and I am proud to say I know her!

  6. Thanks everyone for leaving your words of encouragement for Angel. Her story is truly a 180 degree turn from where she started. As Joyce Meyer says, “I may not have had a great start, but I’m gonna have a great finish!” So very true for Angel!

  7. Angel, thank you for sharing your powerful testimony. God truly can help us overcome all forms of evil. It grieves me the things you suffered. May God continue to bless you each and every day!

  8. What an amazing story of grace and redemption. I have no other words except to thank Angel for her courage in telling.

  9. Oh my goodness what a powerful testimony of God’s love and His redeeming grace. I too was a cutter and dealt with bulimia before it was publicly known. I’m grateful that like you I have been able to break free by God’s grace. Thank God you were brought out of the darkness and into the light. Your story needs to be told. Keep talking Angel. You’re able to reach a population of people that others can’t reach. Thank you!!!

  10. Working in your church to help others is a broad mission. I pray that you can have a positive effect on many.

  11. Angel, I certainly can not identify with this. I hope your life is coming together and is much better for you.

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