My One Word

Last week I wandered into a Barnes & Noble to use up some time before picking up my youngest son from acting camp. Bookstores are dangerous places for me: money-wise and generating new ideas-wise. One book caught my eye because of its simplicity. After reading it, I believe it might become of one of my favorite books. I’m excited to share it with you!

Melony's Book Reviews

My One Word

Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen wrote My One Word after years of frustration with not following through with their New Year’s resolution. I can identify with their frustration. I bet you can, too.

Ashcraft, a pastor at Port City Community Church, started this idea several years ago and shared it with his church. Instead of making a list of resolutions in January that didn’t last past February, he began selecting one word that he would focus on all year long.

His words best describe the purpose: “Your chosen word will help you get in a specific position and remain there long enough – dependent on God – for some internal work to be done by Him. Work only He can do. Each year, that’s my goal for my one word. I want to train my eyes to look at my world – all of it – through the lens of my one word. I need to learn to see differently, if I am going to live differently.”

Change Is Possible, But Focus Is Required

So many of us (myself included) write out NewYear’s resolutions and immediately feel overwhelmed at all that will be required to accomplish them. Ashcraft and Olsen believe that change is possible, but focus is required. Having several resolutions doesn’t allow us to really focus. Many people have found they don’t accomplish any of their resolutions because it’s too overwhelming. Focusing on just one word for an entire year invites change.

I was curious about the words others have selected. Here are some of the words listed in their book and on their web site:

PAUSE    /    FAITHFUL    /    BOLDNESS    /    WAIT    /    ENOUGH   /    DEPEND    /    STRENGTH    /    PEACE    /    FLOURISH    /    LISTEN    /    MIRROR    /      JOY    /    RUN    /    PURIFY    /    TRUST    /    GENTLE    /    PURPOSE    /    AWAKE    /    GO    /    PRAY    /    SHHH . . .

Pause for a moment and think about one or two of those words that caught your eye. I don’t know about you, but as big of a concept as some of those words are, I think I could make progress by focusing on just one word for an entire year.

After reading the book in two days, I discovered I have had my one word all this year. It’s what this web site is all about. My one word is overcomer. Focusing on that one word has opened my eyes to how much our world needs to hear the stories of people who are not being defeated by what happens to them.

My One Word – Overcomer

Through my interviews this year for my web site, I have learned so much about the spirit of a person who has faced life’s tough challenges and decided to overcome instead of being defeated.

My one word – overcomer – seems to be everywhere I turn. I’ve heard it in songs. I’ve read it in the books I’m reading this summer (that aren’t about overcomers). I met a woman this summer who used it in our conversation, even before I had the opportunity to tell her about my web site. Mandisa, a Christian musician, is even releasing a new album titled Overcomer in late August!

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to dig deeper and seek growth on a selected topic. I’m excited to learn more about the word overcomer as I walk this journey through the remainder of the year. I’ll keep you posted.

If you’re interested in reading the book, you can order it on or visit the my one word web site.

Speak Your Mind: What one word has had a significant impact on your life? Briefly explain why.

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  1. I like the word “SHHHH” LOL…anyway, my one word is Strength….it takes strength to get through life, problems, situations, and Shawn T Insanity workouts. Strength comes from perserverence.

    1. And perspective comes with time and experience…not something we just wake up with. Wish we could get teenagers to realize that huh?! Strength-perspective-perserverence—a nice little triangle and each angle needs the other to stand.

    2. I love that you are joining me for the Insanity workouts! We will get stronger and stronger together. Love you, baby!

  2. WAIT. After reading the above my word is WAIT. I should have “Be still and know” tatooed on my arm. I want to move, act, react. And sometimes I need to WAIT and see what God is going to do. He is going to do what He is going to do NO MATTER what I do…so why do I scurry all over? I need to WAIT. Hard for me-especially with my kids. I don’t want to miss an oppoutunity, a chance, or some small kernal that will make a difference for them. They are becoming thier own people-especially my son. God is working in them and I need to WAIT and see what He is going to do. UGH. HARD!! But as I tell my kids-nothing worth doing is easy. And doing what HE wants us to do is ALWAYS worth doing. Love you mel. As usual-you got me !!!

    1. Shannon,
      My word was WAIT several years ago when I was trying to rush my writing career. I learned I was still in the learning mode (still am in many ways) and had to trust that my goals/dreams would come true at the right time.

      Our society rushes us to the next thing – if we let it. Joy comes from appreciating all the moments we’ve been given . . . the conversations with strangers at the grocery store, the day you get a card in the mail instead of junk mail and bills, putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher after a great family meal together and many more.

  3. …and is Jeff telling you to shhhh? LOL!! Good luck. I know Shane has been trying to “shhh” me for years!!! HAHAHA!!

    1. In our family of outgoing extroverts who always have something to talk about, all four of us are always telling the others to SHHH. Usually it is because the person shushing the others has a story that just can’t wait!

  4. Great review! I love this book and have gifted it to family and friends! My One Word is JOURNAL. Journaling a conversation with the Lord forces me to slow down and think my thoughts. I’ve come a long way since January. My One Word (MOW) really works to keep me focused on what I need to do… Which is journal!

    1. I love journaling, but I’m just not as consistent with it as I want to be. I LOVE looking back at old journal entries and remembering how I felt about certain events in my life.

  5. Hi Mel! Thanks for the review. I haven’t read this book, but it sounds like a good one. And yes, I can see that Overcomer should be your word this year! Love you!

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