My Struggles Do Not Define Me
“My struggles do not define me,” said eighteen-year-old Raimee*.
Those are big words from someone who has faced significant health struggles her entire life.
She went on to say, “I won’t let my struggles stop me; instead, I try to live life to the fullest. I am an overcomer.”
* Her real name is used with permission.
Rare Combination of Scoliosis and Muscular Dystrophy

Three physical disabilities accompanied Raimee’s birth: a missing left hip socket, scoliosis, and a rare type of Muscular Dystrophy (central core disease with nemaline rod myopathy).
Muscular Dystrophy refers to a group of 30 genetic diseases that cause muscle degeneration, progressive weakness and chronic or permanent shortening of tendons and muscles.
She inherited Muscular Dystophy from her dad. The co-morbidity of Muscular Dystrophy and Scoliosis isn’t rare, but her form is severe.
Her spine began curving as early as Kindergarten, which made a back brace necessary. “Sadly, the teasing got worse when I wore the back brace as kids didn’t understand what was wrong with me,” Raimee remembers.

Relearn Basic Skills
Each year, the curve in her spine worsened. By 5th grade, Raimee underwent a corrective surgery where doctors fused her spine from her shoulder blades to her lower back then inserted titanium rods on both sides of her spine.
Because of her weak muscles from her Muscular Dystrophy, her back didn’t heal properly after the surgery, leaving a jagged scar all the way down her back.
After the surgery, she had to relearn basic skills like walking, going to the restroom by herself, and getting out of bed.
Unfair for Me to Struggle So Much
Raimee remembered this being a very dark time in her life. “I began feeling sorry for myself. I asked God, ‘Why me?’ When I thought about everything I had already gone through in my life, I told myself it was unfair for me to struggle so much when other people got to be normal.”
Thankfully, Raimee participated in the Muscular Dystrophy camp each summer where she made friends with others who could relate to her struggles. She connected with them when her struggles seemed overwhelming.
When she returned to school in 6th grade, it was necessary for her to use a wheelchair. “If I fell down while I was still healing, it would have jarred the rods and I would have needed another surgery to repair them.”
With the addition of the wheelchair, her friends treated her as if she was going to break. It seemed they pitied her. That was the furthest thing she wanted them to feel.
No More Feeling Sorry for Yourself
Her mom could tell she was struggling emotionally. It was time for Raimee to talk with a counselor, so her mom arranged it. Counseling helped Raimee work past her frustrations and lean on God when she struggled.
During this time, her mom shared Mandisa’s song ‘Stronger’ with her. Raimee listened to the lyrics and knew her mom was right when she said, “There’s no more feeling sorry for yourself.”
As Raimee listened to the lyrics of “Stronger,” she realized God would be with her during her struggles and He would strengthen her.
Taking a Toll on her Body

A move to Tennessee with her mom and step-dad at the beginning of 8th grade started off a little shaky when she fell on the first day of school and had to ask for help.
But, new friends who were understanding and supportive made the rest of that year and high school a memorable time.
Transitioning into college is never a piece of cake, but the scoliosis and Muscular Dystrophy began taking a toll on Raimee’s body. While trying to excel in her studies, she began experiencing back pain, muscle spasms in her shoulders, and fatigue.
Condition Was Worsening
In March of 2018, Raimee went for her routine yearly check-up following the scoliosis surgery. “I was not expecting the news I received. My doctor said my condition was worsening. He also said that within the next few years, I would be immobile and permanently in a wheelchair.”
He went on to say, “When we did your surgery when you were eleven, we didn’t put in rods the full length of your spine so you could maintain your mobility. As time has gone on, you’ve been putting pressure on your back when you walk. This pressure is rubbing the disks together, causing them to crumble. You have degenerative disk disease.”

Both Raimee and her mom cried when they heard his prognosis: “The discs in your spine are crumbling at a faster rate. You have few years before I will have to fuse the bottom of your spine, causing you to be immobile.”
During her interview, Raimee told me time and again she could not have made it on this journey without her mom. Their relationship shows how important it is to have a supportive person or group journey with us as we fight to overcome our struggles.
I Know I Can Overcome What’s Ahead
This news rocked Raimee off her foundation of strength. But not for long as she knew talking it out in counseling would help reset her mindset.
“With her help, I have been preparing for the time when I will no longer be able to be totally mobile,” she shared.

The prognosis Raimee heard in March would be very difficult for anyone to hear, much less an eighteen-year- old with much life ahead of her.
But listen to the wisdom in her words about overcoming: “There have been times when I thought I would never overcome the obstacles I was facing, and there still are times when I doubt my strength and ability to overcome. But when I start to think I can’t handle what’s next, I look back at everything I’ve already dealt with and I KNOW I can overcome what’s ahead.”
Made Strong through Christ

Since March of last year, Raimee decided to focus on 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. It says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
Her muscles may be weak, but she knows she is made strong through Christ.
These verses reminded Raimee of how Mandisa’s song “Stronger” empowered her to keep fighting years ago. So, it was a dream come true for Raimee and her mom to meet Mandisa recently at a concert in Atlanta.
My Struggles Do Not Define Me
Raimee said, “My struggles do not define me. I won’t let my struggles stop me; instead, I try to live life to the fullest. I am an overcomer.”
She is determined to get up everyday and live. Some days will be harder than others.
What then? She will lean on God and others who understand her struggles. She will remember all the great things that have happened in her life instead of focusing on the challenges.
Raimee, you are a remarkable lady and friend! I’ve always admired you, and I have loved our friendship from the beginning! ❤️
Thank you so much, Natalie! I love you <3
My prayers of deep spiritual strength are with you and your mom. I would love to meet you one day. Your mom and I have become friends through NFLN and is such a supportive force in my life and yours! Love that you are an overcomer and love Corinthians 12:9-10. ??????
Thank you so much for the response! She really is such a supportive friend and mother. Hopefully we can meet at an NFLN meet-up one day!
Raimee, I am sorry for your struggles. What a wonderful overcoming spirit you have! Blessings to you!
Thank you! It hasn’t been easy, but all of the kind words are very encouraging!
I can firsthandedly say that Raimee Sanders is a force to be wreckoned with and does not let any of her struggles define her and i have always admired that about her! she ensures that she keeps a smile on her face every day and always speaks with a warm heart. While I’m sad we don’t really talk any more, I wish you nothing but the best and lots of love!! xx
I really appreciate these kind words, Olivia. You are such a light in the world and I’m thankful for the friendship we shared.
This is my granddaughter ❤️ No matter the personal struggles, she has always put others before herself and has been brave for her family. She is blessed beyond measure with a pure heart and such a sweet spirit. For her cousins: Jasmine, Isabella and Anya she is their hero….mine too! ?????
I am blessed beyond measures with such a loving and supportive family! I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you guys! You’re the best Grandmother around… xoxo
Raimee thank you for sharing your inspiring testimony. Your strength is remarkable. You are such a blessing!
Thank you for sharing your story, Raimee. You’re stronger than I could ever be and You’re such an inspirational and strong young lady! Keep smiling and continue to lean on Jesus. Love you!
Thank you so much, Chelsea! I love and miss you guys!
Raime, you are such an incredible, strong,, beautiful woman! I feel blessed to have read your whole story here. You have had so much strength through so much adversity. I’m glad you have learned on your faith… Sometimes it’s all we can do. Hang on to that and God will get you through. ❤️
Somewhere along the way this little girl had a spiritual gift poured in to her. As we have gotten older and more mature her mother and I have gained insite in to how the world works. I remember once when she was very young her mother and I were having a spiritual conversation and Raimee added something. We just looked at each other. It was something no 8 or 9 year old should have knowledge of or awareness of. But she demonstrated a knowledge of the topic showing a total grasp of the topic. We later said she is an old soul. “She been her before!” Her trials have proven to purify her soul for whatever her higher purpose is. I absolutely love being part of her life and can’t wait for the adult version of her to shine.
Raimee is a fierce, funny, smart, and a beautiful warrior who’s smile can light up a room. I am thankful that I know this incredible woman and beyond thankful god choose her mother to share this life with her. ❤️
It has taken me a minute to decide what I wanted to say. To read these words and to have direct quotes from Raimee shook me when I realized how she sees her future. This world has no idea how much I love this girl and what I have done for her to try and give her a better outlook. At times, I feel like such a failure with her and then she says something or does something that reminds me who she is. She is a cherished daughter of God and she has big things to do for Him in this life. At 12, she brought a group of high school senior football players to their knees with her story and many of them committed their lives right then to the Kingdom of God. I stand in awe of her and the power God has given her to command a room. I can’t wait to see what she does with the next chapter He is writing for her. I love you Raimee. More than every grain of sand and every star in the sky and I could not thank God more for giving me the privilege of raising you. ❤️
You sure know how to make a girl cry. Thank you for everything momma. Words can’t describe the amount of love I have for you. You held my hand, and through everything, you never let me lose sight of God and His plan. YOU are a blessing.
Wow, what a story. This brought tears to my eyes. But it made my heart pound in my chest as I read your encouraging words. Your faith is so strong. If only people had your courage, Your strength, your faith in their minor circumstances as you do in your major circumstances. You are a light, an example to others. Thank you for sharing this touching story and being an example of God’s work and light in the flesh. May you find courage each day to stay strong. So many love you and are praying for to you!
Raimee what an inspiration you are to so many who find themselves in the face of adversity be it big or small. My face started out wet with sadness for the little girl in the hip surgery photo but the tears quickly become tears of joy at the picture of you and your mama because of the support and love that surrounds you to tears of pure elation, pride, and hope in the message of strength that you share. Strength found in Christ. When you question why me… please remember that through your struggle and pain comes a much needed message of hope, survival, endurance, and a love and need for our Heavenly Father for SO MANY. You are beautiful inside and out. I am blessed to know you and your incredible story.