
Nature Walks: A Metaphor for the Journey of Life

One of the best perks of being a teacher is nine wonderful weeks of summer to indulge in doing whatever I please. My pleasure this summer has been long nature walks. I definitely embark on these journeys to stay in good health. But, the trees and the breeze and the crunch underfoot nourish and rejuvenate me like nothing else.

I Love Trees

The park next door to my neighborhood is hugely convenient, and I do walk there often, but it doesn’t have many trees. And I LOVE trees. So as much as possible, I’ve journeyed out to where the trees are – on the trails at Stone Mountain, Kennesaw Mountain, and the Chattahoochee River.

This morning’s walk was solitary as Jeff had already trekked into work, while my two teenage boys refused to move when I attempted to pull them from their slumber.

Nature Walks: A Metaphor for the Journey of Life

I have aggressive dreams of living to at least 90 years old. I hit my half-way point this week. It’s made me contemplative – thinking about the journey thus far, and what the journey going forward will look like.

nature walks pathAs I put one foot in front of the other, I revisited the notion that my nature walks are a metaphor for the journey of life.

I’ll share my observations and let you make the connections.

Sometimes the Path

I excitedly look at the trail ahead of me and plan for what lies ahead. However, as well thought out as my plans may be, I don’t always know what is just around the bend.

Sometimes the trail is scenic with rays of sunlight shimmering on the layers of leaves, and the path is easy to navigate.

On a lengthy trail, I’m thankful for the stretches of even ground, for I can catch my breath and let my other senses absorb what my eyes are seeing.

Stopping to Admire the Beauty

In a world in which it’s all about getting to the next thing, I find stopping to admire the beauty on the trails helps me push aside the clutter in my mind.

nature walks rootsSometimes the path requires extra effort as it is an uphill climb. Often it’s not so much about my body’s ability to push through to the top, but more so my mindset.

Sometimes various sized rocks or an array of roots mark the path. I often stumble if I’m not paying attention.

Occasionally, I find obstacles (trees, snakes, slick mud), and I have to decide a new course of action.

Taking a Detour

Because I was in no hurry on today’s nature walk, I decided to take a trail I’d not traveled before. A simple sign marked “trail” pointed me to an adventure.

Taking a detour off my clearly marked and well-worn path felt scary at first – mostly because I was alone. But, I followed the path and it opened to a meandering stream.

nature walks rocks in streamI crouched beside the stream, so I could hear the gurgle of the water as it bounced up against the well-placed rocks. Someone created a path across the stream.

They must’ve been seeking adventure, too.

O for Overcomer

My family visited Virginia this summer for our family vacation. Our destination was all about outdoor activities, so the nature trails were sure to be fantastic!

One night before dinner, we decided to check out the blue Pinnacles Trail. The concierge promised incredible views and a moderate terrain.

My husband and younger son were just ahead of me when they stopped dead in their tracks. I truly was afraid they’d seen a snake – my nemesis – but instead the path veered to the right at the ridge line. A well placed bench provided the perfect view of thousands of acres of mountains.

After a lengthy visit with the breathtaking scenery, we turned to continue on the path and saw this:

O at Primland 2 (2)


Even though all three of us had the same thought, I was the first to say it. “It’s an O for Overcomer!” I asked Palmer to stand on the other side so as to capture the O but also the gorgeous scenery. (See the bench?)

It definitely exemplified the obstacles in our paths, but this “O” also reminded me HOW we view them makes all the difference.

Thank you for indulging me in sharing what I’ve been ruminating on this summer. Happy trails!

Leave a reply (below): I compare the journey of life to all the things you might encounter on a nature walk. What things do you compare the journey of life to? Give examples so we can learn from you.

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  1. Thank you for these beautiful thoughts friend. As I was reading, I was imagining that I was walking the same paths. The one that resonated with me was the detour. I read once that grief, which we all experience at some time, is like a detour. You’re going along, living your life, and then it happens. You’re forced to go through a period of grief. Similar to going down the road, you see a detour sign and have no choice but to take it. Then at some point, the detour meets back at the main road, but the road is different. Like grief, at some point, you come back, but your path is very different. I’m on this detour now, and oh how many new experiences I’ve had already. I’m learning things and making decisions I never imagined I’d be strong enough to make. God is good, and He’s leading me gently through the detour. I hope this encourages someone who may be going through their own time of grief.

    1. Cindy, my precious friend. Thank you for sharing your heart. Even though Bob passing away was an unexpected detour on your life journey, please know you have family and many friends who love you. Call on us when you need support. Love you!

  2. WOW!!!! I love this!!! I, too, can relate very well to this and my love for being out on the trails! It is so peaceful and an incredible place for reflections on my daily life. My mind is always more clear when I’m on my nature walks/runs! Thank you for your beautiful metaphor!!! 🙂

  3. I love your connection of nature walks and the journey of life! I am a “Let’s go outside and play” kind of girl and always have been. I’ve also felt God’s presence as I walk through His creation. I’m reminded of His love for me and His promise that He will never leave me. And boy, do I need to remember that fact as I maneuver through some of the difficult walks of life! But as with some of the most challenging hikes I’ve taken, the view is worth it!

  4. Beautiful… I love the great out doors and nature has a way of making everything seem less complicated.. loved your article and I’m glad you are getting a few weeks off to enjoy God’s creations..great read.. really enjoyed it.

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