
Out of the Dark

Out of the DarkMost of us have been there. In the dark. Feeling lost. Trapped. Lacking vision. Lacking hope.

Singer/songwriter Mandisa WAS there, but now.

Now she’s out of the dark and into the light!

This album is POWERFUL!



Out of the Dark

Mandisa said Psalm 40:2-3 was the inspiration for her new music. It says,

He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
    out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
    and gave me a firm place to stand.
 He put a new song in my mouth,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
    and put their trust in him.”

In a truly vulnerable way, Mandisa’s new album Out of the Dark invites listeners into the darkest parts of her three-year absence from her life and her music. Confronting her doubts about God slowly changed her depression into a renewed hope.

Check out the album story video to learn why she named her album Out of the Dark.


I was immediately drawn into the album by the love and concern Mandisa’s friends had for her in the “Voicemail Intro.”

We all need friends who persistently check on us when we’re not acting like ourselves.



I’m Still Here

I loved Mandisa’s music before her Overcomer album, but I became a devoted fan when I noticed many of the song lyrics on that album corresponded with my overcomer ministry.

The first song “I’m Still Here” on the Out of the Dark album created a transition from the Overcomer album, providing insight into Mandisa’s realization that being an overcomer isn’t easy. But she’s learned God’s not done with her yet.


Check out these lyrics:

I dropped out of sight/This overcomer lost her will to fight

I know it’s been a while/ Since anybody’s seen me smilin’

Shame had me thinking it was game over/Thought my best days were gone

Yeah, turns out I was wrong/ ‘Cause this is my comeback song

Hope is rising/Waking up my soul

I’m still here/All my broken turning beautiful

‘Cause I feel my heartbeat beating/And my lungs breathe breathing

Guess my God’s not done with me yet/I’m still here

And all my yesterdays are gone/The best is yet to come

I thank God He’s not done with me yet! How about you?




Honestly, it’s hard for me to pick just one favorite song out of all the incredible songs on this album, but if I had to, I’d pick “Unfinished.”

The lyrics in this song provide a powerful reminder that God is: making us into a masterpiece, still working on us, and we’re unfinished.

I encourage you to really internalize the message when you watch the lyric video for “Unfinished.”

I am thankful God’s still working on me. I know I’m unfinished. The best part is He’s making me into a masterpiece! And you, too!



Comeback Kid

I am almost 47 years old, but I like the idea of being called a kid. Especially a comeback kid.

A couple of years ago, the National Stroke Association launched a campaign to encourage survivors to fight to make a comeback. I’m hoping to run/walk in one of their sponsored 5K’s this fall.

So, I connect with the lyrics of “Comeback Kid.” Check ’em out:

I will stand/ Nothin’s gonna keep me down/ I know you hold my hand/ Even when the world around me/Feels like caving in/ I won’t quit/’Cause I’m a comeback kid

It’s never too late to make a come back! Never give up!




I love songs that make me want to sing at the top of my lungs. That fill me with energy. That remind me God believes in me.

“Shine” delivers big.

Mandisa’s soulful voice draws you in and makes you believe God wants you to shine.

Out of the madness/Up from the ashes/There is a purpose/You were made for/Stand up and shine/ Bright in the darkest night/Burn like a morning light/Get up and shine/You don’t have to hide anymore/What are you waiting for?/Break down the door/Take a look in the mirror/Tell me what do you see?/God see’s a fighter/But you’ve got to believe

Do you believe you’re a fighter? God does! SHINE, baby, SHINE!



Featuring Christian Artists

Nothing means more than to have friends walk beside you when you’re fighting to make a comeback.

Mandisa clearly had quite a few well-known names walking beside her as she made this album.

Songs featuring Christian artists tobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Britt Nicole, and Jeremy Camp add to the powerful message that’s woven throughout this album: God will pull you out of the dark and bring you into the light.



Out of the Dark

I was honored to preview Mandisa’s new album Out of the Dark two weeks before release date. I instantly connected with the lyrics and the music. AND Mandisa’s incredible voice!

Honestly, I think I’m driving my husband and son crazy with how many times I’ve listened to this album. A friend asked me what I thought of the album, and I quickly replied, “It’s POWERFUL!!!”

If you’ve ever struggled or are struggling now, I know you will connect with the lyrics on this album. Because she’s been in the deepest pit, her lyrics show you how and why she fought to make a comeback. She encourages you to do the same.

You will be inspired. You will be encouraged. You will feel energized to face your struggles. And you will know who is walking by you, filling with with the strength to fight: GOD!

Today IS release day!!! Buy or stream Out of the Dark on iTunes, Amazon music, Google Play, Spotify, or Apple music.


Check out Mandisa’s website at mandisaofficial.com for more info and tour dates.

Leave a reply (below): Mandisa, tobyMac, and Kirk Franklin hit on the very sensitive topic of race relations in the song “Bleed the Same.” Our nation and our world NEED this message. Tell me what you think of this song in the comments section below.




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  1. Love all the songs! Bleed The Same is a constant reminder that God created us ALL! It reminds of us all of the changes the world has seen and how much a sense of entitlement seems to the belief of so many; we no longer tolerate “anything” and it’s really sad. We no longer listen to people and the stories they have to share; we “assume” because they are not like me there is no value in creating a relationship and that is exactly why we have people in our lives for RELATIONSHIP! God wants us to have a relationship with HIM and we have others around us to create relationship. The song for me is also a reminder that this life is not our final destination and is so temporary! We will bleed the same in front of God when our time comes and we answer for our sins! Let us be reminded to love each other, find peace and be a support to one another, not an enemy! Great album! Thanks for sharing and writing Melony!

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