Overcoming Abortion Statistics
“My life is about overcoming the abortion statistics of single black women,” Natasha* shared.
“Eighteen years ago, I chose to give my son life instead of aborting him.”
* Her real name, used with permission.
DISCLAIMER: Natasha is very passionate about helping single black women choose life instead of abortion. Any reference to her as a single black woman is at her request.
Pay for Her to Have an Abortion
When Natasha met Raymond (not his real name) at a club during college, she was living life in a rebellious way.
Before long, Natasha discovered she was expecting. Discussions about getting married only lasted a couple of weeks before Raymond decided he didn’t want to get married. Instead, he told Natasha he’d pay for her to have an abortion.
“I was scared. I felt all alone since Raymond didn’t want to get married or take responsibility for the baby. I wrestled with the decision, but ultimately I decided to have the abortion,” she remembers.
What I Was Doing Wasn’t Right
One of her mom’s friends, let’s call her Denise, lived near her college town. Natasha reached out to her. After confiding in her, they discussed Natasha’s options and prayed. Denise strongly urged her to reconsider having an abortion.
“I will take you, but I will not go inside,” Denise said.
Denise waited in the car and prayed while Natasha went inside the abortion clinic and filled out the paperwork.
Required by Texas law, Natasha was then directed to watch a video about the abortion process. “It was horribly graphic. Something came over me about halfway through the video that made me feel what I was doing wasn’t right,” Natasha remembers.
Meant Man of God
Filled with terror, she ran out of the clinic and straight to Denise’s car. Together, they agreed Natasha needed to tell her parents about the baby.
“I’m five months pregnant,” she confessed to her parents. Her strict, former military dad hugged her and said, “I wish things could be different, but either way, we will help you.”
Natasha quit college and began working at a call center. After hearing a customer give his name, she asked him about it. He told her Elijah meant man of God. She instantly knew this would be her son’s name.
Holding a Part of Me
During the remainder of her pregnancy, Natasha spoke words of affirmation over her growing stomach. In June of 2000, Natasha welcomed Elijah into the world.
“When I looked at him, I realized I was holding a part of me. Knowing I was his mom was very fulfilling. I was so thankful I didn’t have an abortion.”
Natasha and Elijah traveled to Chicago to meet Raymond’s mom who knew nothing about the baby.
Encountered God
Natasha wanted to finish college, but knew finding child care would be difficult. Raymond’s mom took care of Elijah until he was two and half years old. When she became ill, Raymond cared for his son until Elijah was five.
During that time, she encountered God and gave her life to Him. Immersing herself in prayer, making good quality friends, and getting her life stabilized made her realize she wanted her son back.
When Raymond called to say he wanted Elijah to live with her, she was beyond excited.
Natasha was unable to finish her degree, but she promised herself one day she would.
Intercessory Prayer Missionary
Joining International House of Prayer (IHOP) in 2007 led to Natasha becoming an intercessory prayer missionary. Her personal prayers and leading others in prayer strengthened her relationship with God. She was involved with this ministry for 10 years.
During this time, men in the congregation mentored Elijah, giving him Godly men to follow and emulate.
Decide to Keep Their Babies

Natasha learned about Bound4Life’s silent siege – a stand in silent prayer on behalf of the nation that is murdering its children – when Elijah was seven years old.
It was time to include Elijah in the life-changing decision she made for him.
She told him she chose not to abort him and was so thankful she kept him. And they would walk the silent siege in hopes that other mommies would decide to keep their babies, too.
Natasha was and continues to be deeply concerned about single black women who feel their only option is to choose abortion. The statistics are alarming.
Overcoming the Abortion Statistics
As much as Natasha loved being a mom, she knew receiving an education would open doors for her to support herself and her son.
“Overcoming is overcoming obstacles when life is not going your way. My goal was overcoming the abortion statistics of a single black woman. And I was a mom who also wanted an education,” she shared.
In 2009, after many years of determination and sacrifice, she graduated with a degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing & Sales.
Inconsistent Relationship with His Father
Raising Elijah hasn’t been easy. With an inconsistent relationship with his father, Elijah has tested the waters. Each time, Natasha guided him to the important truth that God is his father.
When his father quit responding to his texts, Elijah felt alone. However, his maturity can be seen when he told Natasha, “I won’t hold that against him. I don’t hate him. I will not walk in unforgiveness.”
Know Me as a Man Who Loves Jesus

Elijah has gone to a private Christian school since middle school. With this strong foundation, Elijah is looking at his next steps since high school graduation is just around the corner.
He plans to study music production in college. He dreams of becoming a musical artist, specifically a rap singer/songwriter. “I don’t want to be a Christian rapper, but I do want them to know me as a man who loves Jesus,” he explained to Natasha when they were discussing his future.
I have to pause for a moment to consider the void our world would experience in a few years without Elijah’s precious life. He’s already been a blessing, but imagine the lives for Christ he has the potential of impacting through his music.
Natasha chose to give Elijah life instead of aborting him. And we will all be blessed as a result of her decision.
Personal Fashion Stylist

With dreams of her own, Natasha envisions the day when she will be an international high-end fashion buyer and own a boutique.
Recently, she attended a J. Bolin Celebrity Fashion Stylist boot camp to learn more about the industry. Meeting and chatting with J. Bolin was the highlight of the weekend.
Under the name Natasha’s Threads, she is getting her feet wet as a personal fashion stylist. Check her out on Facebook or Instagram.
Want a personal consultation? Email her at virtue31boutique@gmail.com
Advice to Single Black Women
Natasha often reflects on the blessing of her son. I asked her to share her advice to single black women who have chosen to keep their child.
She said, “Don’t fear what you haven’t experienced yet. Have faith God will take care of you and your child, and He will lead you. Pay attention to how God created your child. Ask God to help mold him into who He wants him to be.”
Overcoming the Abortion Statistics

Natasha’s life with her son Elijah is a success story of a single black woman overcoming the abortion statistics.
Her strength and passion have greatly impacted me. Because of Natasha’s story, I’ve learned about a growing epidemic in our black community.
Encouraging black women to choose life is not just the responsibility of the black community. We all can speak out and pray for the lives of unborn black American babies.
Leave a reply (below): Christina Bennett, a pro-life advocate, recently spoke about abortion in the black community. Natasha believes her message needs to be heard so single black women can make an educated decision about choosing life verses choosing abortion.
How can we help further the important message of single black women overcoming the abortion statistics?
out of all the stuff going on with protesting, people trying to voice their views, taking a stand for social justice, this trumps them all as it is about human life!
Yes Jeff there is HOPE
Wow! What an amazing story. I am so glad Natasha chose to keep Elijah and raise him to be a man who loves God. My prayer for him is that he be a strong witness of God’s love, as his mom is. Thank you so much, Natasha, for sharing your powerful story. God bless you and your handsome son, Elijah.
God Bless you Kay thanks for the encouragement ?
Natasha was a brave young woman. I’m glad that she learned early to depend on God. Hopefully she can continue to change some lives as she works with many to help save the lives of black babies.
Thanks ☺️
Courage, faith, strength, determination, gumption, drive, ambition! All these are words that come to mind reading your faith journey and testimony! WOW! What an amazing story and so powerful to share. thank you for taking the time to tell your story to Melony so that others know the truth and the stats. My prayers will continue for you and your son and that one day we see your fashion work on the runway! Thank you for being such a powerful example to all women!
Wow thank you, thank you ?
Thank you Natasha for telling your story, it touched me deeply and the video is wonderful of this young woman who was saved by God and her mother. Praises to God for all yours and Elijah’s spiritual gifts, wisdom and courage! I hope to meet you one day. Blessings and peace all the days ahead!!!
What an amazing story of strength and determination. I love that she is an overcomer willing to share her story and be a change maker in her community. Elijah has an awesome story to share,too. May they both be blessed.
Natasha you are an inspiration. I can’t imagine the lives you have already touched and those you will touch in the future! I love your passion and commitment to God’s creation of these little babies. May you be blessed!