Switch On Your Brain
In another life, I might have been a neuropsychologist as I am utterly fascinated with the brain and how it works. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a leader in the field of cognitive neuroscience, has spent her career studying the brain and how crucially important it is to stop the negative thoughts as soon as they try to enter our brains. I love her work, and I know you will, too!
Switch On Your Brain
To say she talks above my head (pun intended) is an understatement. In her latest book, Switch On Your Brain, she teaches the science of how positive thoughts build connections in our brain, whereas toxic thoughts have an enormous negative impact on our mental and physical health.
“We are constantly reacting to circumstances and events, and as this cycle goes on, our brains become shaped by the process in either a positive, good-quality-of-life direction or a negative, toxic, poor-quality-of-life direction. So it is the quality of our thinking and choices and our reactions that determine our “brain architecture” – the shape or design of the brain and the resultant quality of the health of our minds and bodies,” she writes.
positive, good-quality-of-life direction = fighting to overcome
negative, toxic, poor-quality-of-life direction = living in defeat
When we first encounter challenging events and circumstances, it is imperative that we immediately begin to monitor our thoughts. If we allow the negative, toxic thoughts in and begin to dominate our thinking, it will be easy to slide into a mode of living in defeat. However, if we purposely reroute those negative thoughts and replace them with positive, good quality thoughts, we emerge into an attitude of fighting to overcome.
Capturing Rogue Thoughts

“Getting your thoughts disciplined and under control is one of the first steps in freeing yourself of the burdens of the world and beginning to enjoy your life despite the burdens of the world. When you objectively observe your own thinking with the view of capturing rogue thoughts, you in effect direct your attention to stop the negative impact and rewire healthy new circuits in your brain,” she explains.
It’s easy to spiral into toxic, rogue thoughts in the midst of going through a struggle. In fact, two weeks ago I faced my fourth mini-stroke. Toxic thoughts immediately entered my mind: Lose all the strength on my left side AGAIN. Jumbled thoughts and difficulty retrieving words will certainly side rail my writing. Tack on another layer of fatigue. Will the next one be massive?
ALL rogue, destructive thoughts. I knew if I let those thoughts hang around long enough, they’d take root. I can’t afford that if I plan to fight to overcome. Not only am I planning to fight, I AM fighting to overcome.
Five Steps to Detox Your Brain

Dr. Leaf not only shares detailed, scientific information about the brain, but she also teaches the five steps to detox your brain. Literally switching on your brain. When introducing her 21-day plan, she shares, “It’s like you’re doing your own brain surgery . . . We need to be almost obsessive in our desire to change . . .The best way to change, learn, and build memory meaningfully is through deliberate and disciplined practice.”
These five steps, practiced daily, will help you switch on your brain and positively impact your life.
Step 1: Gather. Step 2: Focused Reflection. Step 3: Write. Step 4: Revisit. Step 5: Active Reach.
I’ve recommended this book to a dear friend of mine who is going through a divorce. Years of hearing toxic, hurtful and untrue things from her husband has caused her so much emotional pain. Detoxing all those words (steps 1-3) will definitely help her heal and empower her to fight to overcome. Revisiting (step 4) will allow her to rewire her brain with positive, life-sustaining thoughts like those found in Philippians 4:8-9 : “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice (step 5). And the God of peace will be with you.”
If you have negative, toxic thoughts defeating your mind and/or body, you need Switch On Your Brain! Order it now!
Fun Brain Facts
- At birth, your brain was almost the same size as an adult brain and contained most of the brain cells for your entire life.
- Humans continue to make new neurons throughout life in response to mental activity.
- You can’t tickle yourself because your brain can distinguish between unexpected external touch and your own touch.
- Studies show that brain waves are more active while dreaming than when you are awake.
- Laughing at a joke is no simple task as it requires activity in five different areas of the brain.
- Each time we blink (about 20,000 times a day), our brain kicks in and keeps things illuminated so our world doesn’t go dark on us.
- Humans experience an average of 70,000 thoughts each day.
So glad you are doing well now, Melony. Paul and I were praying for you. You are definitely an overcomer and a dynamic inspiration to all of us. I love reading books too, so after reading your blog, I just had to order Caroline Leaf’s book. I can hardly wait to read it! The Bible is the book we should all go to first, but other books like Caroline’s can greatly add to the answers we are all searching to find.
The best part of Dr. Leaf’s book is how she integrates Scripture into what she knows about the brain. Pruning the toxic thoughts in our minds is incorporating John 15 into our lives. Then, she recommends living out Romans 12:1-2 to renew our minds with His words.
I love how she takes brain research and shows how scientists are beginning to see the link between what goes on in our brains and the God that created them. “Scientists are discovering precise pathways by which changes in human thinking operate as signals that activate genetic expression, which then produce changes in our brains and bodies. Our genetic makeup fluctuates by the minute based on what we are thinking and choosing. Clearly, then, following the advice of Philippians 4:8 will have a profound healing and regenerative impact on our bodies and minds,” she writes.
I’d love for you to post your thoughts on her book after you’ve had a chance to read it. Thanks, Kay!
Absolutely an amazing review as I know so many who struggle with the negative. And as our world becomes increasingly more threatening I think even the normal optimist has struggled with our global uncertainty. Deliberate, active steps become a critical component of maintaining our peace and joy. Thanks Mel for sharing.
I agree with you, Amy, about the toxic information we digest daily by reading or listening to the news. It can easily make us have and believe a doomsday mindset. Limiting the news I intake has helped me not take in and then ruminate on all the destructive situations happening in our world today.
I just ordered the book, and can’t wait to read it. We all need positive ways to cope with the world that at times seems to have such negativity. Thanks for sharing, hope 2016 is a wonderful year.
god bless,