Tested My Tenacity
“My tenacity was definitely tested over the last four years. I believe everyone has a story. My story is summed up in that I’m not a quitter. I MADE IT!” Nancy* shared.
* Her real name is used with permission.
Likely Saved Nancy’s Life
A car accident four years ago likely saved Nancy’s life. Her doctor checked her for a concussion and a full work up was ordered.
“Once the test results were back, the doctor explained I had a brain tumor. None of it made sense. I wasn’t showing any symptoms,” Nancy explained.
“He shared the location of the tumor would impact my executive thought area. That area controls my ability to pay attention, to have abstract thoughts, to problem solve, to discern, to express emotions, and to make judgments. It also would impact muscle movements, coordination, and my sense of smell.”
Nancy was diagnosed with grade 2 oligodendroglioma of the brain. She consulted with five doctors before choosing a neurosurgeon at Duke University. “It was frightening to think he would perform the surgery while I was awake, but he was highly regarded and was optimistic about my prognosis.”
Wasn’t Able to Follow Verbal Commands
Even though her son, Ryan, and the rest of Nancy’s family were very concerned about the seriousness of her upcoming surgery, she and Ryan broke the tension at one of her appointments by taking silly pictures.
In September of 2016, Nancy’s neurosurgeon removed a tumor the size of an egg from her front temporal lobe. Swelling and bruising occurred near the thirty staples the neurosurgeon used to close the craniotomy.
Ryan described the next few weeks as Nancy doesn’t recall the surgery or her recovery in the ICU. “Her doctors stopped by to check her progress, asking her to stick out her tongue and raise her arm or leg,” he explained. “The doctors realized she wasn’t able to follow verbal commands; instead, she was mimicking their hand motions as they gave verbal commands.”
“They agreed my mom had severe aphasia, which is the loss of ability to understand or express speech due to brain damage. I read devotions to her. We watched movies. We sang her favorite songs to her. Even though she was unable to communicate, her winsome attitude shown through.”
One of her doctors marched into her room one morning and yelled, “Why won’t you talk to me?!?” I told Mom later that she stuck her tongue out at him.
Tested Her Tenacity
Once home, Nancy continued speech therapy and occupational therapy. Writing came quicker than her speech. Her occupational therapist identified difficulties with sequencing and reading comprehension, so Ryan worked with her for hours each day to improve those skills.
Completing so many activities was overwhelming at times, but Nancy was committed to improving. She surprised her family one morning when she whispered, “Good morning.” Tears of joy fell as not hearing Nancy’s voice for weeks was difficult for all.
Tenacity wasn’t a new character trait for Nancy, but learning to speak, process information, and comprehend what she was reading tested her tenacity. “It was a burden for me to not be able to speak. It was scary as no one knew if I would ever speak again,” Nancy shared.
Returned to Work
Nancy’s speech improved significantly as she neared the three-month post-surgery date. In January, just five months after her brain surgery, Nancy returned to work. She was driving herself there, which increased her sense of independence.

Having worked for Senator Johnny Isakson for over twenty years, Nancy enjoyed her return to work so she could plan and host events for exemplary students across the state of Georgia. Many of her co-workers were patient and gracious with Nancy when it took longer for her to process information and give answers to their questions. However, one co-worker had her sights on Nancy’s position and made it known, which caused Nancy considerable stress.
“Because Mom had shown such improvement and was doing well with driving herself, she ventured to Perimeter Mall about fifteen months after her surgery. Her left arm began to shake, and she couldn’t control it. She had a seizure in the food court,” Ryan explained.
Despite Her Tenacious Attitude
Even though seizures are commom after brain surgery, her doctors couldn’t explain why she began having them so long after her surgery. The second seizure occurred a few months later at her home. Medications were added to treat the seizures, but they each came with frustrating side effects.
“I was there when she had her third seizure. It was the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen,” Ryan shared.
Despite her tenacious attitude, Nancy became weary with how the seizures and medications impacted her daily life. She admitted, “If I had known how the surgery was going to end up and how I would begin having seizures, I don’t think I would have had the surgery. I would have just continued with my life. After all, who knows how long I could have lived showing no signs of the tumor.”
Added to the Trials
Another opportunity to test her tenacity arose when skin cancer was discovered on her lower left eyelid. Surgery to remove the lower lid was performed. The anesthesiologist stood over her, keeping watch to ensure she would wake up after the surgery. Nancy and her family were relieved she made it through it without any complications.
Her fourth seizure happened while at home. She took time to recover, but she was eager to return to work to plan and host the 2019 Appointees Salute. This would be Senator Isakason’s last event before he retired, which saddened Nancy as she respected him and loved working for him. After the event, she began placing flags in mailboxes of those who were unable to attend the event. It was here that she experienced her last seizure. It occurred fourteen months ago.
An impending divorce and the sale of their home added to the trials Nancy faced. In December of 2019, Nancy retired. “My mom and I moved into a home with a lovely backyard in which we enjoy God’s beautiful creation,” Nancy shared. “I look foward to spending time with my family and sharing the gospel and my story at every opportunity I’m given.”

Urgency to Share the Gospel
Having studied characters in the Bible throughout her life, Nancy likened the last few years of her life to Job. “Just like Job when he experienced catastrophic loss, I felt God speaking to me during my trials. I was brought to my knees. My relationship with God strengthened me and gave me courage to go on.”
Over her lifetime, Nancy studied the Bible and memorized many verses, yet only one verse was unaffected by the brain damage from the tumor and surgery. “The message of the entire Bible revolves around John 3:16, which is why this verse is so ingrained on my heart and mind. I have an urgency to share the gospel while I am still able to do so,” Nancy shared. “I want people to know God is so good, powerful, and all-knowing. He loves you so much!”
Mindset To Never Give Up

“My family and friends, specifically Jan and Sheila, supported me during the hardest times of my life. They kept showing me love and covering me in prayer. I thank my son, Ryan, for helping me so much with my recovery. He took excellent care of me and helped with my therapies. It would have taken me longer to recover without him,” Nancy shared. “My mom has always been there for me, and I will always be there for her.”
“Life hasn’t been easy since my surgery. I still struggle with time, dates, and math calculations among other things. It takes me longer to process what is being said to me and replying to questions. But I’m not a quitter,” she explained. “I believe overcoming is being tenacious, that is having the mindset to never give up no matter what.”
Great story! Nancy is such a special person and has overcome so much with grace and class. So glad that both of you are my friends❤️
Great story, Nancy! As a brain surgery survivor myself, I understand. I too went through physical, occupational, and speech therapy. But God was with me every step of the way. May God continue to bless you and use your story to encourage others!
Nancy is one of the kindest people I’ve ever known. She inspires others not just by her story but by her faith and generous encouragement of others in their efforts. She deserves all the best.
You match and surpass any kindness I may show! Things have been rough— but I anticipate that everything will be alright very soon.
Your friend, Nancy
Nancy is an amazing person. She remains positive always in the face of adversity. I’m proud of all of her hard work, and also of her son, Ryan. Wonderful son with an awesome mom.
You inspire me everyday! You look everything in the eye each day and face whatever it brings!
Thank you for being my friend! Nancy
Great job “keep on keeping on”with the Lord’s strength! Crazy how a car accident helped find the tumor. May God continue to give you strength, comfort and healing on this journey!
Thanks for the encouragement!
I count on the Lord. and seek Him daily.
If you don’t mind.. please pray for me this coming Thursday.
Thanks, Nancy
Nancy, your story is so encouraging! I admire you for your tenacity, perseverance, and bravery. May God continue to bless you and you share your story.
Life certainly has it’s challenges, doesn’t it. God has been so good to me– John 3:16 is one of the only Bible verses I can remember, despite a life filled with Bible study. Fortunately…it’s the one verse I need to know.
Thank you, Nancy
Nancy, you have always been such a blessing to all who come in contact with you. I still remember when you were recovering. You would go for daily walks in the neighborhood with that contagious smile. You are a rare flower in our Father’s garden. Melony and Nancy – I feel blessed to know both of you wonderful ladies Proverbs 31:25
I got my Bible out and read the verse, and found such a sweet verse!
There is a place for ministry in our old neighborhood……I hope to walk with Amminy soon . Her smile is always a witness to all. Her comments are next on my page and she introduced me to Melony.
Each of us has a story to tell and God has a way of shaking us up!
Thank you, Nancy
Hey Nancy My Friend
It was Our Great God’s Grace and blessings only and only had put you through all the Tenacity you had “showed up “Our Great God provides “Extraordinary energy “ to Run that “extra Mile “
Your Tenacity story inspires us Look up to Him as a Source of EVERY BLESSINGS “
Our Great God bless you abundantly with His Precious Presence,Provision and Protection Every walk every step you take in the Journey of TENACITY!!!!
“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”
You have been such a constant blessing to me. I remember when you gave me a copy of Psalm 91. I keep it with my Bible, my devotional, and I keep reading it, Under His wings we will find shelter.
By His Grace, nothing is impossible. Thank you for the blessing!
Your friend, Nancy
It is clear God gave you His grace to walk through so many trials. I know you have overcoming strength! Blessings,
Thank you!
God has been so good to me.
Nancy, I have known you since college, when we were both 17! And you were tenacious even then. Even then, you witnessed to me about your faith and love of Jesus. In fact, you were the first person I knew who read daily devotionals and you started sharing your Guideposts with me each night. I know I was a “hard nut to crack” but your TENACITY served us both well. I remember inviting you, Ben and Mom to a celebratory hamburger feast where I shared that I had finally received Christ into my heart (We were 19 by then.)
These days, we are separated by distance and I can’t get to see you as often as I like. I remember crying after one of our phone calls when I realized how hard it was for you to express yourself – yet, you bravely did! Now, our conversations go much more smoothly which shows how much you have progressed. And, after reading this story, Ryan is my hero. What a kind, compassionate man you have raised. I know he made a difference in your recovery. I am so grateful that you and Mom are settled in a place with such beautiful flowers and surrounded by people who share your faith. The Lord truly has provided.
You were a tough nut to crack! When you got to college you had food from all over the world, a set of encyclopedias, and a lot of questions about faith… in particular, my faith! So glad you asked! I remember asking you to find something that was not true in my devotionals and the Bible…. You had many, many questions.
I am truly blessed……by God, my family, and my friends. Everything I value.
Thank you for being my friend!
Nancy—you’re strength and true spirit show through you now and ever since I have known you. Because of your witness to Mary, the seed was planted for me and I later accepted Christ. Our families have blossomed with His Truth—our parents, our spouses and our children. Thank you!
God Smiles when He sees your Legacy. Hugs sweet friend
Susan Parks
Thank you for sharing, I did not know that I had been such a blessing to your family.
Last Fall, when I was riding Lyft back and forth to work, I tried to minister to the Lyft drivers, but was surprised to find that all but 2 of my drivers were already Christians. I am looking for ways to serve, while volunteering only. Although I was good at what I did before, I no longer have the strength for that level of activity.
Also, please pray for me this coming Thursday.
I feel compelled to witness these days, there is an urgency for me to share the Good News now more than ever. It will be a challenge–because I can remember little of my Bible and have to refer to it constantly.
One of the disciples kept asking for his issue to be resolved, we never find out what the issue was— but, important to know that there was an issue and that it was not named means it could be anything, anything at all! I pray for my issue with memory is solved, I pray because I have issues solving math situations, I have to pray because without my notes, I am lost, I pray because I have little physical strength at this time, and maybe I will always will have these issues. But, what I do know is that our God is mighty and He is our one and only God!
Keep the faith Susan, your friend, Nancy
Nancy! I know this is hard to believe but I am just now opening your email, I didn’t want to open it until I had time to read what you were sharing, OMGOSH! Your story is amazing and so are you! Even when we visited when your speech had not come back you were beautiful inside and out. You had the smile and expression of Jesus. Loving, gentle and confident of who you were and were you were going, God gave you a tenaciousness to handle every trial you encountered along with beautiful grace and character.
God is good, all the time and your ministry to others through your trials has pierced the hearts of many! Take care and much love to you, today and always. <
Nancy you have a strong desire to survive and thank God for giving you another chance to share your love of him with others.