Stephanie’s* transformation wasn’t an overnight change. She wanted to be clean and sober, but alcohol controlled her. “I liked drinking,” she shared. “I liked the smell and the taste. And how it made me feel. But I didn’t like how it controlled me.” The generational curses of addiction were real. Stephanie fought hard to break the control they had on her.
* Her real name is used with her permission.
A Transformation in Her Heart
Stephanie’s drinking started at a young age. She liked that first drink her friend’s step-dad gave her. Wanting more, she agreed to having oral sex with him in exchange for alcohol. Her older cousins were willing to buy it for her, as well. At age 23, Stephanie gave her life to Christ. Drinking, smoking, and promiscuous sexual activities were no longer of interest to her. A transformation in her heart began to take place. Working at the church afforded her the opportunity to start building her faith. Moving in with her boyfriend Darius (not his real name) quickly put an end to her job at the church. The pastor didn’t want her spirit of lust to be spread throughout the church.
Downward Spiral
Anger at God welled up inside of her. “I felt put out, and I back slid. I went all out – I drank and smoked cigarettes and pot. Because He took my job and my church family, I wanted to pay God back.” This downward spiral of excessive drinking led to her boyfriend questioning her actions. She finally broke it off with him. For the next eleven years, Stephanie drank every single day. Her daughter not only took care of the household responsibilities, but she also took care of her two younger brothers.
Life Took a Tragic Turn

“My job of five years at McDonald’s ended when I showed up drunk and fell asleep on the job. The alcohol was in control. I didn’t know how to stop. I honestly wanted to drink myself to death. Each time I woke up, I was shocked that I wasn’t dead,” she remembers. Stephanie’s life took a tragic turn when her current boyfriend left a gun on her couch. Her older son, Cepeda, (11 years old) picked it up and accidentally shot and killed her younger son, Solomon, (7 years old). This was a very dark time for Stephanie. Grieving her son and the guilt of not being there when Solomon passed away was too much to bear. “Alcohol helped me cope with the guilt and shame,” Stephanie remembers.
My Heart Was Drawn to It
A year and a half later, Stephanie returned to the very church that told her to leave. “I hated church, but my heart was drawn to it. God was dealing with me about my drinking. I was filled with awe at God’s love and mercy.” Eventually, Stephanie felt her desire to drink left. With a new perspective on life, she moved in with her mom and started cosmetology school. Reconnecting with Darius invited the alcohol demons back into her life. She could not resist the temptation.
Dealing With the Hurt Inside
An unexpected pregnancy caused an internal conflict: this baby is interrupting my plans verses feeling overwhelmed that God would trust her with another life. The life growing inside her was more important than the alcohol, so she quit drinking. At least until her daughter was born. Heavy drinking interspersed with work and taking care of her daughters and son became her daily life. “After every night of heavy drinking, I looked at my car to see if there was any damage to it. I knew I could have easily caused vehicular homicide while I was drunk. My addiction was that serious.” Stephanie began studying counseling at a Christian university. “I knew instantly that God was working on me. Drinking was my way of dealing with the hurt inside, but I desperately wanted to change. I wrote Proverbs 3:5-7 on a sheet of paper and posted it on my wall. Trusting in Him was the only way I could stop drinking.”
Feeding My Mind God’s Word
Slowly, God was transforming Stephanie’s thinking through the deepest emotional connection she had: her daughter. “I knew drinking impacted my life, but I didn’t want it to impact her life. I had to break the generational curses of addiction. It was time to change.” Stephanie began reading and memorizing Scriptures about being sober. “I asked God to help me. I still drank, but I stopped feeling condemned. The less I felt bad, the less I drank. One day I realized I wasn’t drinking anymore.” Her spirit and flesh had been at war for over a year about her addiction. “I was feeding my mind God’s Word. Whatever you feed your mind is what conquers. In the end, God’s Word conquered my desire to drink.”

At age 40, alcohol no longer controlled her. She began living clean and sober. “I learned I had to be honest about the reason I was drinking. That was when God intervened and I was completely released from my addiction.” Restoration with her children was an important part of Stephanie’s total transformation. “Because I keep my eyes focused on God and my children, I haven’t fallen into temptation since the day I said no more,” Stephanie shared. “God led me and loved me back into the kingdom.” Stephanie believes, “Overcoming is becoming someone new, the person God created me to be.”
Leave a reply (below): Stephanie fully giving her heart to God is the reason for her transformation. She gives him all the credit. Living out what she’s learning is the key to her continued transformation.
How is God transforming your heart? Your life?
I think it’s quite awesome this young lady can be a spokes person for such transformation. Many young women struggle with addictions such as this or maybe more extreme and can come over and conquer. I think it’s quite awesome to share such story of GREAT TRANSFORMATION.
Stephanie I’m so Proud of you and The STAND you took over the demon of Alcohol?God Thank You For Loving My Child Back Into Your Kingdom??I Will Forever Love You ?In Jesus Name?
Reading this just gave me an insight to why Ms. Stephanie’s faith is so strong and to why she cares so much for everyone. I do not take her advice for granted, without reading this I will swear on my life she’s never had alcohol, one thing I know Ms. Stephanie for is her love for God, her children and everyone around her. She’s not just my colleague at work, she is a mentor and a friend.
We overcome by the “blood of the Lamb, and the words of our testimonies” (Rev 12:11). God has given me an opportunity and pleasure of knowing Stephanie Pearson and family since the birth of Solomon. Over the years our paths have taken a different turn but God keep our spirits together. Past few years Stephanie and I reconnected and I’m blessed to see the transformations in her life. Rejoicing and praising God with Stephanie for her victory to overcome all of life challenges, hurts, pain and disappointments and allow that “born again seed” to remain inside of her.
It’s my prayer for anyone who reads or listens to Stephanie’s testimonies will be inspired to know “God is the same, yesterday, today and forever”. Her solid foundation in God and the inspiration of her journey is showing other that there is nothing (NO THING) too hard for God to overcome.
Stephanie, eyes have not seen, neither ears have heard the things He (God) has in stored for you, because He loves you with an every lasting love. We appreciate you being candid, honest and open to share with others….THANK YOU!
Love you Stephanie!
I’m so proud of you Step! You are truly an amazing person and the definition of a warrior. I love you and encourage you to keep on keeping on. Sending all my love, light, and warm vibes.
Thank you so much. I appreciate your encouragement, love, light that shines ever so brightly, and warm vibes that energizes the core of a person in all the best ways… Much love to you my friend.
It has been a pleasure knowing you all of these years (then and now). I am so glad that God can never change who he is, neither did he stoop to my level when I changed who I was.
I agree, there are more women out there that are going through situations and some worse than other. Also, that the Lord will continue to polish us until we become who He purposed us to be.
I am so proud to be your daughter. I know it was very difficult seeing me go through some of these situations…but I thank God everyday for a “Praying Mother” like yourself, that even though it was rough, the prayers of the righteous availeth much!!
God is good! I will continue to pray and support your transformation. Always remember “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13 You have been a wonderful inspiration and you will continue to be. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. the old has gone; behold a new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Stephanie, So glad to hear that Jesus set you free! Your past does not define you – your future is bright! Blessings!
I have had the utmost pleasure of meeting and getting to know Stephanie through a mutual friend. When I was going through things with my husband, she, with God’s guidance, led me to approach things in a different way. When I did that, the outcomes became less and less intense. I had gotten to the point where I couldn’t cry anymore and filed for divorce immediately after an embarrassing outburst at Grady hospital from my husband. With her help and the guidance of God, things are slowly getting better…but trying to trust my husband again is very hard. It is truly a process. God has me in his life for a reason.
Stephanie…what an incredible transformation! Like the caterpillar transforms its body and emerges as a butterfly, you, with God, totally transformed your life and emerged with authenticity, truth and love! You embraced God’s love and faithfully trusted HIM to transform you. That, my friend, is sustaining faith! It’s no wonder, you are such a mountain of strength when faced with obstacles! You KNOW God has you covered! You KNOW God will do exactly what needs to be done when you activate your faith, trust, and obedience! Waiting patiently on God is no easy task, yet you do it with such grace and ease! God loves and admires you and so do I!! Continue to let your FAITH be bigger than any fear! You are more than a conqueror through HIM! Your metamorphosis is just beginning! Wonderful blessings are here! Romans 8:37
Your response left me speechless and grateful to God. It is a pleasure working alongside of you and the fact that we can share on a business and personal level speaks volumes. You continue to live your life in congruence to God’s will for you and your daughter’s life.
Thank you for the encouragement. Freedom is a feeling/lifestyle that is indescribable!! God is good.
Mr. Hunter,
Thank you for noticing God transforming my life, and supporting the changes. I will never forget you told me that God is chiseling off the rough edges in my life…and that I will always remember on my life’s journey.
You have been nothing less than a blessing in my life. We are here for each other not only in the good times but also in the times of need. We just have to be sensitive to know what season it is in other people’s life and not just ours. Stay blessed, God honors the prayers of the righteous.
Stephanie!…this is truly a great transformation. Life has given you a “test” that is now your testimony. Redemption is truly YOURS! I am so proud that you have come to know and ‘inner’stand that you were born on purpose, with a purpose and for a purpose. I encourage you to keep moving forward, onward and upward to being and believing in a better, bigger, braver, bolder, brighter and badass expression of yourself.
Thank you for such meaningful words of encouragement, as you are an inspiration to me. I thank God for people like you for motivation.