Website Makeover!

It’s been five years since I launched to share the stories of courageous women who fight to overcome. It has been an INCREDIBLE JOURNEY! And one in which I plan to continue! So, it was time (really past time) to give this website a makeover!    

Here’s the original website design. 

Scroll down to see my WEBSITE MAKEOVER!


And now for the NEW website design! (Isn’t it AWESOME??)


Just like on a HGTV reveal, let me show you around!


If you liked the overcomer story you just read, but aren’t one to leave a comment, you can now hit the LIKE button! Your interaction is so very important to me AND to the overcomer who shared her story.


The new Categories section directs you to other stories that may interest you.


I, like most writers, prefer words. But I know videos are engaging and allow readers to get to know me – foibles and all. On my author Facebook feed, you’ll find videos about upcoming overcomer stories and topics related to the book I’m writing. Check it out! 


Love the inspirational overcomer stories but forget to check back to read new stories? Subscribe and let technology remind you!



Leave a reply (below): Now that I’ve given you the tour of my website makeover, what do you think? I’d love for you to also reply with the types of overcomer stories you’d like to read.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Don’t forget to hit the LIKE button! 😉


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  1. It is awesome Melony! I know you have put alot of work into making it just what you want. I am so excited to see what the future holds for you!

    1. Thanks, Tracie! Thank you for sharing your incredible story as you are part of the future of this ministry, too!

  2. I’m not real familiar with the old website but this one looks user friendly, organized and fun. I’m looking forward to reading all the beautiful stories you have written about the many challenges we face in this life. I’m encouraged by what I have read so far. I’m honored to have you write my story Melony. Who better to share it than a gifted writer like you. Thumbs up to the new look of the website. Can’t wait to get more familiar with it.

  3. Your new site looks wonderful!!! I look forward to continuing to check it out and read your wonderful stories! Blessings!

  4. Hey friend!! Everything on here looks GREAT and very user-friendly! Your passion and heart for your ministry is so evident on these pages. I love you and I can’t wait to see you soon!

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