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If only life were all

smooth, straight paths. Right?



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We often question WHY life's tough challenges must intersect our paths.


Perhaps it's because struggle is necessary. Yep ... necessary.


It's during the months, years, or decades we go through these struggles that we gain grit, courage, strength, fortitude, and wisdom.


Be assured those traits aren't just handed to you. Gaining them requires your active participation.


Being passive during a struggle leads to living in defeat. Actively participating during a struggle strengthens you to fight to overcome and thrive.

A two-book interactive survival guide for overcoming & thriving!

God, the Master Navigator, is eager to direct your path and equip you with everything you will need to overcome your challenge.

Throughout the pages of Challenges Won't Stop Me, you will create a personalized survival guide by collecting essential gear, engaging with Bible verses, gleaning wisdom from overcomer stories, and journaling your progress.

With God guiding the way and a backpack filled with your essential gear, you are primed and ready to fight to overcome any challenge that dares to cross your path.

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Throughout the pages of Keep Moving Forward, you will experience growth when you stay connected to God and trust He is working in your difficult circumstances. When you allow God to refine your rough edges and withstand attacks from enemies and your own fears, you’re growing. When you reach out to comfort and support others who are struggling, your care is evidence of your growth. When you can reflect and recognize how many of God’s gifts are connected to the challenges you’ve faced, your growth will be undeniable.

What you learn from each challenge is preparing you for Heaven!

What are the benefits of creating an interactive survival guide?

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Connecting visual images to concepts (like a map to God's Word) creates links in your brain that increase your recall. When you face challenges in the future, you'll recall what you learned and apply it.



Coloring the visual images strengthens retention and allows your brain time to process the content.

* Readers agree coloring the images helps them recall what each image represents.



Actively engaging with the content invites deeper learning. When you progress slowly through each mile, you'll see your growth.




Reflecting on your journey and then answering questions allows you to see how some of your challenges led to new opportunities.




Discovering how Bible characters and overcomers navigated their challenges and how they grew from those challenges empowers you to fight to overcome your challenges.


Survival Guide Author 

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Melony Brown is an author, speaker, and the host of the Challenges Won't Stop Me podcast. Fighting to overcome life's tough challenges and thriving isn't just the message Melony shares in her writing, speaking, and podcasting. It's the message she's lived all her life. 


Decades of neurological struggles and brain surgery tried to stop her, but she chose to fight to overcome instead. Learning everything those challenges were meant to teach her and grow in her, Melony desires to encourage, inspire, and motivate women to actively fight to overcome the challenges intersecting their paths.


She believes God uses challenges to equip and empower us in preparation for His greatest work in our lives.


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Endorsements for Keep Moving Forward

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