Our Stories

Plan B Resilience

Plan B Resilience

“God teaches us resilience when our plans fall apart,” Jodi believes. “Overcoming is relinquishing the plans you have and embracing the new plan God has for your life.”

* Her real name is used with permission.

A Family in Need

Just like many young married couples, Jodi and her husband, Peter, envisioned plan A – a family with children who favored their parents. While they were trying, Peter learned of a family in need. “As a pastor, Peter has a big heart to be a father to the fatherless,” Jodi shared.

A drug-addicted mother and her three young children lived in pitiful conditions. Noticing the mother was neglecting her kids to get drugs, Jodi and Peter stepped in several times to help the family.

While in treatment, two of her three children, Rich and Tina, lived with Jodi and Peter. Their younger sister lived with another family.

After several years, Jodi and Peter officially adopted them. Rich was seven and Tina was nine.


God Brought Those Children into Our Lives

“Plan A of having biological children changed into plan B of adopting Rich and Tina,” Jodi shared. “I learned later on that we couldn’t have children, so I know God brought those children into our lives.”

After their adoption, there were many happy times. Jodi remembers the kids spending time with their friends at sleepovers and playing soccer at the YMCA. She believed nurturing, loving, and providing for them would make up for the severe lack they experienced as young children.

However, as often happens with children who experience neglect, chaos and defiance later dominated their household. Rich lied and stole throughout much of his adolescence, even stealing from his parents and grandparents.

Love Them Unconditionally

resiliienceBoth Tina and Rich struggled in school. A diagnosis of ADHD helped explain their challenging behaviors. The psychologist who tested them explained they also had reactive attachment disorder. This meant it was difficult for them to trust that Jodi and Peter would love them unconditionally, take care of them, and provide for them.

Tina often wanted to take on the motherly role of caring for Rich, which clashed with Jodi’s parenting. She was often oppositional and rebellious.

Jodi’s advice for parents who adopt school-aged children is to have realistic expectations. “It’s important to know the children will exhibit challenging behaviors as they test their parents’ love.”

Nurture Our Marriage

resilience“Infertility, adopting older children, and full-time ministry can take its toll on a marriage,” Jodi shared. “It was important for us to continue to nurture our marriage despite the temptation to focus on the difficulties.”

When Rich and Tina were teenagers, Jodi and Peter hiked Glacier National Park to celebrate their 20th anniversary. “We knew how important it was to prioritize our relationship. It made us stronger and more resilient.”

[With God’s strength, they will celebrate their 33rd anniversary this summer.]

A History of Incarceration

Rich continued to struggle with lying and stealing in high school. The police were called when Rich stole from the church where Peter pastored. Because Rich was over 18, he was charged as an adult. Jodi and Peter bailed him out, so he could complete summer school and graduate. A plan to enroll him in a program that would wipe his record clean was a priority.

The plan did not work out as Jodi hoped. While out on bail, Rich was arrested for breaking into cars and stealing. At 19 years old, he was sentenced to serve three to five years in the New Jersey Department of Corrections.

Jodi’s heart hurt for her son. She cried and grieved and prayed. “It was devastating to see him in jail through the plexi-glass. When he was little and we thought about his future, this was not part of the plan we had in mind for him.”

Between the ages of 19 and 23, Rich served time in jail and in prison. “There was a history of incarceration in Rich’s biological family. His father and other family members served time for various offenses. We wanted to help break that curse,” Jodi shared.

Found the Resilience

resilienceIt seemed every time Rich was getting to a better place, he would get knocked down again.

“I admit we wanted to give up on him many times, but God has shown us His love through those hardships. God didn’t give up on us, so we realized we couldn’t give up on Rich. We found the resilience to keep loving him and encouraging him.”

Thanksgiving at the Jersey Shore was the first time in four years that Rich, Tina, Jodi, and Peter were together as a family. “We were thankful for the chance to reconnect.”

“In our hopes and plans for Tina, we didn’t envision years of struggle and estrangement for her. After high school, we lost touch for a while. Tina had an unplanned pregnancy while in a dysfunctional relationship. She gave birth to a daughter with Prader-Willi syndrome, which has been a test of her perseverance and resilience as a mother.”

Didn’t Go According to Plan

More difficulties lie ahead. Peter accepted a pastoral position in New Jersey with the plans to be the senior pastor for ten years at a church by the Jersey Shore and then retire.

Just as some of their other hopes didn’t go according to plan, Peter became sick with dizziness, stomach pain, severe insomnia and began losing weight quickly. Depression and anxiety set in as it became increasingly more difficult to concentrate and prepare sermons. Peter took medical leave for three months and when he returned, he did his best to pastor the church despite the unexplained sickness and numerous tests that yielded an inconclusive diagnosis.

After nine months of trying to fulfill his duties, his symptoms worsened. Peter resigned as he could no longer effectively pastor the church. A debilitating sickness was certainly not in their plans.

“I was angry. How could God bring Peter back to the ministry in New Jersey, yet allow this sickness to force him to resign at such a young age?”

Peter and Jodi moved in with her parents in New York while Peter underwent more tests to determine what was causing his symptoms. Peter found a tick on him when his symptoms first started, but all the tests for Lyme disease came back negative. Two weeks after they moved to New York, Peter tore his Achilles tendon.

Cloud My View

After three long years of major depressive disorder and anxiety, a Lyme disease expert diagnosed Peter with Lyme disease. He began an aggressive treatment.

“I grieved the loss of our plans for retirement and the loss of Peter’s health. I got off track spiritually, which allowed anger at God to cloud my view for a time. Despite living with a chronic illness, Peter has gained a resilience that matured his walk with God.”

When Jodi’s job ended in New York, she prayed for direction. God kept pointing her to North Carolina where her widowed mother-in-law, her daughter Tina, and her granddaughter lived.

“Peter was improving, but he still is unable to work. Our plan of retiring to the Jersey Shore now looks like the Blue Ridge mountains where we hike to waterfalls and enjoy God’s beautiful creation. I thank God for leading us here.”

Answered Prayers

At Rich’s wedding

As Jodi and Peter were starting their new life in North Carolina, their son Rich was starting his new life in Arizona. He married a wonderful woman, becoming a father to two stepdaughters and their daughter who just turned a year old. He loves his family and his job as a mechanic.

Tina is an amazing mother. She enjoys a close relationship with Jodi and Peter, who are thrilled to be a part of their lives.

“Tina and Rich are living productive and fulfilling lives. And Peter and I are thankful for answered prayers. If I could encourage adoptive parents, I would say to keep praying and never give up hope,” Jodi shared.

Teach Us Perseverance, Strength, and Resilience

Over the years, Jodi put her trust and faith in God even when she didn’t understand His plans. “Bouncing back from struggles is what resilience is all about. Every time our plans changed, God’s strength allowed us to recover, adjust, and bounce back.”

Reading God’s Word convinced Jodi that God stood beside her at every turn. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 says, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

Becoming Resilient by Donna Gibbs and When God Doesn’t Fix It by Laura Story helped Jodi understand how God uses hardships to teach us perseverance, strength, and resilience.

Jodi encourages those who are experiencing struggles to “Cry out to Jesus and rely on the Lord’s strength. We must surrender what we think life should be like and ask Him to help us embrace where we are.”

Leave a reply (below): Life often doesn’t go according to our plans. How have you found plan B or C or D to be even better than your plan A?

16 Responses to Plan B Resilience

  • What a witness to the Awesome power of our God and answered prayers. Psalm 121:1-2 I will lift my eyes to the hills – From where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

  • Thank you Doris! Yes there are many answered prayers! I’m thankful for the prayer warriors we have had!

  • I love seeing how God has given Peter and Jodi His strength to carry on in spite of all the difficulties that have come their way! It is amazing to see God’s grace and mercy at work in their daily lives! I’m thankful for their example. It shows me that life will not always be easy, but our God is still good and He is faithful, and we can trust Him! Thank you for not giving up Jodi and Peter! I love and appreciate you both. So thankful you are a part of my life!

  • Thank you Jane! So grateful you are a part of our lives! Life is hard, but our God is faithful!!!

  • Jodi has lived a remarkable life! Disappointments and setbacks can often derail us, but I love how Jodi continued to press on, even when she was angry at God (and I love her willingness to include those feelings as part of her journey.) I had the privilege of praying for Jodi one time before a meeting began. I felt the pain and agony of her mother’s heart, which compelled me to continue praying for Jodi and her family. As we learn to trust that God is always for us, we can lean in during the most difficult of times. We don’t always get the storybook ending answer to our prayers, but I’m thankful that I can see God’s faithfulness and evidence of so many answered prayers through Peter and Jodi’s determination to love their kids unconditionally – the way God loves each of us!

  • Thank you sweet friend Lori! Its amazing how God puts people in your path at the right time when you need prayer and encouragement! Thank you for being that person and for your kind encouraging words!

  • Incredible story of resilience under fire! This story gives those with struggles so much hope. Thank you, Jodi for sharing so open and honestly. You are being used by the Lord for such a time as this to help others run the race with endurance when they feel that “life” has pushed them out of the running lanes. (Insert BIG applause here.)

  • From the days at The River until now, you and Peter have been a blessing and a testimony to Bob & me. May God bless you in unexpected ways in 2020.

  • Thank you Tammy! My prayer is that it will bring hope and encouragement to others struggling.. Hebrews 12:1 and 2 is one of my life verses!

  • Peter & Jodi: Greetings from hot and wheat harvesty central Kansas (Hillsboro). You may recall that I moved here in 2010. I received your family update via the steadfast and good-hearted Stephen Stout. This has obviously not been an easy road for you all beginning with a risky and brave start, but praise the Lord! for your good and ongoing faithfulness and His!, And to Peter, maybe it is OK for us to get along with little or no MLB this year (but I do miss it)..

  • Thank you Bob and Trisha for your encouragement to us and prayers and wisdom as Peter has begun his aggressive Lyme Treatment

  • Thanks for the encouragement David, great to reconnect. Lots to catch up on since we saw you last! We are so grateful for the Lord’s faithfulness to us that continues to get us through challenging times!

  • This was so neat to read! I have so many good memories growing up with Tina and Rich, playing at your house and the Thorson’s. Tina was one of my best friends when we were young, being in the same class at school and church and always riding our bikes up and down the alley between our houses. You guys were an inspiration to me when I was going through adopting my 4 kids. You are an amazing example! God is so good!

  • I’m so glad you got to read it Nina ! I’m so thankful we have inspired you and so proud of you adopting 4 kids!! Wow, God is amazing!

  • What a beautiful story of unconditional love!! Thank you Jodi and Peter for your willingness to share your wisdom gained!

  • You are so Welcome Faye. I pray our struggles will encourage others who want to give up to “hold on to the Anchor” who’s Rock we can trust and will carry us through any storm! Hebrews 6:19

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