Our Stories

“When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.” 

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

When all you see is darkness in your life, have you paused to search for the stars? I assure you they are there. Those glimmers of hope. Those reminders that God is for you. Those bright specks, urging you to trust your journey. Focus on those until the darkness subsides.

It has been my honor to interview more than one hundred courageous women who have faced life’s toughest struggles and when it came time to decide between living in defeat or fighting to overcome, they chose to fight.

It wasn’t always easy. In fact, some experienced setbacks. But they looked for the good all around them as they continued to fight to overcome their challenges.

You see, overcomers look for the stars during the dark times in their lives. They eagerly share the life lessons they’ve learned along the way in the hopes that others who face struggles will use those lessons in their fight to overcome.

May you draw from the strength and wisdom of the overcomers I’ve interviewed and find inspiration as you read their amazing stories.

A Reflection of Overcomers

A Reflection of Overcomers

A Reflection of Overcomers

mels-videoAs I approach the four year mark of my overcomer website, I found myself reflecting on all the INCREDIBLE stories I’ve had the opportunity to share.

Below you will find a powerful video titled A Reflection

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2 Responses to A Reflection of Overcomers

  • Melony – Great job and such an encouraging video! Through Christ and the word of our testimony, we will overcome. (Rev 12:11)

  • Very cool friend! Loved looking at all of the Overcomers. I didn’t realize you had interviewed so many until I saw them all together. That’s a lot of work- a labor of love I know! Awesome!

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Hope Prevails

Hope Prevails

“I’ve written this book because I’ve been there,” Dr. Michelle Bengtson shares in her newly released book Hope Prevails. Not only does she treat patients who are in the pit of depression, but she’s been there herself.

Chains of

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One Response to Hope Prevails

  • I love the phrase “hope prevails”. I hate that you had to journey through so much pain to understand your clients or patients, but thankful at the same time. I’m sure your ability as a doctor was more meaningful after your own encounter with darkness shed more light on the difficult challenges of depression. I’m definitely interested in your finished book.

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Warrior Woman – Hear Me Roar

Warrior Woman – Hear Me Roar

Teressa warrior woman quote



Warrior Woman – Hear Me Roar

Teres’sa* is definitely a warrior woman. She and the other warrior women at the sexual abuse counseling center where she works adopted the motto “Hear Me Roar!” to remind them

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12 Responses to Warrior Woman – Hear Me Roar

  • oh my I was overwhelmed with emotions reading this! You are a survivor and overcomer! Your strength in the Lord will continue to heal you and guide you down a path to be able to help others. sharing your story is the only way to educate others and to show others there is another path you can take. Thank you for sharing such intimate details of your life. Prayers for continued healing and courage.

    • Thank you so much! I speak at many events and tell my story when I feel that there maybe someone there that I could help. I have been surprised at the response I get. It is amazing how many people come forward asking how they may get the same kind of help that I did. I tell them that they have made the most important step already; that is, by standing up and facing the fact that they have been abused. I know now that I was put here for a reason and that reason is to help others to become an overcomer and a survivor because once you have done that you are no longer a victim. Thank you for the continued prayers.

  • A beautiful testimony of God’s redemptive love!

    • Thank you and yes it is, I see him working in my life daily now! I know he has a great plan for me. I trust him to lead the way.

  • Teressa I couldn’t bring myself to read your story til now. I wish I’d known and I’d have let you come down the street to our house. I’m SO proud of you and love you dearly!!

    • Tiff that is the thing NO ONE knew or if they did know they weren’t saying anything. I was too afraid to tell anyone after what happened at school. I have taken the negative that was given to me and made it into a positive. With each person I help it makes me that much stronger. I am proud of you too my dear friend and love you too!

  • Hi Teressa,
    I read your story and I am very happy you have been surrendered to God and received His great love, mercy, grace, strength and power to accomplish all the positive works and life changes He has provided for you and others that you wrote about. Praises to God for all your blessings!!!

    You will be staying with me March 23 rd for our Overcomer Celebration on 24th…. I am so looking forward to meeting you!

  • Hi Amelia,
    I am so sorry that I am just now responding back to your kind words. I am also so sorry that I did not get to make it to the celebration. I was just so worn out after the passing of my dad and returning from my vacation just to have to get right back on the road again. I am hoping that I will be able to attend next years. I was looking forward to staying with you and having dinner with everyone on Friday evening. Thank you again!


  • Teressa, I can not imagine having been so abused. I’m glad you decided to seek God and professional health. I’m hoping you are leading a happy life now.

    • Thank you Glenda! It was hard for so long, I understand that God had a greater plan for me which I am for filling now. I am blessed with a very happy life now.

  • Teressa,

    Wow, so many emotions reading your story! I love that you’re an overcomer helping others overcome. Brings to mind 2 Corinthians 1:4.. Thanks for sharing!

  • I am proud of you that you found your way through this abuse, and I pray you are living a happy life now.

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God’s Got This

God’s Got This

The last eight months have been an unbelievable part of my journey of overcoming, to say the least.

My past: stroke at age 2 and three mini-strokes (February 2010, April 2014, September 2014). My neurologist said he would send me

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28 Responses to God’s Got This

  • Melony, your words are captivating, genuine, and so effective at conveying your incredible journey. Clearly, they are straight from your heart and make me think about all for which I am grateful. Thank you for being our original overcomer and for bringing us all together on this site. You will never know how much I appreciate you and your friendship. Your life is the epitome of being positive, being ‘real,’ paying it forward, and living a Godly life. Thank you for the blessing of sharing it all with us.

    • Wow, Cindi! Thank you for your kind kind words. It is a true honor to get to share all the amazing overcomer stories … yours included!

      God gets all the credit on my story!!!

  • Melony, You are an overcomer! You have been through so much and you have seen God at work in your life. His love is overwhelming. (love the tattoo!) Bless you with continued health.

    • Thank you, Maureen! I truly appreciate the continued support. You are such an amazing overcomer, too!

  • What an awesome story! Thank you for sharing and allowing us to be blessed by your story! Much love, Elizabeth


  • Melony, you are such a strong woman! I once thought that God did not love me or even cared about me because when I prayed for him to remove me from the evils that was my life, he didn’t. I know now that he does exist and that he is the reason I am the person that I have become today. I also understand that he puts us all through trails to teach us how to help others. Just as you are helping so many to struggle through their problems. You are such an amazing person and I admire you for what you have done along with what you are doing. Keep up the wonderful inspiration to others. I am proud to say that you have inspired me to be an even better overcomer than I ever was. May God continue to bless you!

    • Thank you, Teressa! I cannot wait to share your story of overcoming! You, my friend, are amazing!

  • Melony, you are such an inspiration to your Mom and you have inspired so many with your over comer stories and now this one of you. I love that you are giving all the credit to your God that has led you through all of this. It was such a scary thing for us at age 2 when you had your first major stroke. You were so tiny and fragile. We could not believe this had happened to you. The scariest part was what it would mean to your future health and well being. You are such an over comer that you have met every obstacle with determination to beat them. I know we all felt the love of God and his protection as you went into surgery. You taught us all a deeper faith with what he can and will do for us. Your family gives me every reason to want to be alive to see what all of you will accomplish in life. May God continue to shine down upon you as you share his love with everyone you meet. Love you!!!!! Mom

    • Thank you, Mom! You and Dad have never let me quit. As a child, you had me involved in so many activities to strengthen my left side. I learned determination from both of you. Thank you for all your love and encouragement! Love you both!

  • Hi Melony! Great story although you shared your story with me when we met, it takes on a different feeling when you actually read it. That is exactly the responses I received from my friends when they read my story that you wrote. Your journey is an inspiration to many thank you for sharing the story with us so we can continue to think about your words “God’s got this” we all need to trust in these words in our life!

  • Melony, you inspire others through this wonderful blog. Thank you for sharing your story and all the others. What a great example of God’s plan. All that know you are truly blessed. Looking forward to seeing you in the halls soon. ?

    • Thank you, Heather! Not sure I’m ready to be at school yet!Could use a few more weeks of summer vacation! 🙂

  • Melony, Your journey is amazing in so many ways. I have learned so much from you about courage, determination, your positive outlook, and your abiding faith in God. Your example and testimony are powerful proof that ‘With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26. Thank you for being the best daughter in law possible. I love you so much! Sandra (Meme)

    • Thank you, Sandra! Your love and support during all of my health challenges has been amazing and truly appreciated! I love you!

  • Hi Melony, Sandra sent this to me! I can’t stop crying! You are so talented and inspirational! You are truly an angel in God’s army to help us all remember that “God’s got this” whenever we are down or challenged with physical or mental illnesses or disabilities no matter how large or small! We were all praying for you during that surgery and after! Thank you so much for all you do to help us all remember” God’s Got This!”

  • Melony,
    Thank you for sharing your story in depth! As a teacher you know that the trials we go through are there as a tool to be able to not only teach others as they go through something similar, but to HEAL others. You let them know there is hope and a future! You are disciple of the good Lord, sharing your adversity and showing the real signs of struggle even if there are tears. People see that you are real! People see truth. People see Love. People see God. It’s always in His control and His plan and you have demonstrated faith beyond measure! Thank you and continue sharing your story as well as so many others! You are a light and I pray you continue to heal! Big Hugs!

    • Thank you, Jessica, for your kind words. I give God all the credit for my healing.

  • Hey, I love you. Lots.

  • I am so proud to call this woman my friend, encourager,and fellow warrior. She is TOUGH and lives a life of faith and trust. We have been brought together for “such a time as this”. Love you Mel!

    • Cindie,

      You were such a huge encourager during the last 5 years, especially this last year leading up to my surgery and during my recovery. I love you!

  • For whatever reason I’ve just read this for the first time. I’m crying because I’m SO thankful the GOD did have this! A thousand Hallelujahs!!!

  • Every thing I have read Melony just proves over and over again God’s word, every word of the Bible is true!!! Isa 58:11, Deut 31:6, Heb 13:5 just to name a few places God tells us He will never leave or forsake us, goes with us wherever we go, His favor is all we need! ” God’s got this” yes, and “God shows up in person at exact right second BUT never early”!!! Google the painting “His Presence”…………….see you next Thurs, I can NOT wait, just silly with excitement, imagine a 71 yr old kid…. Blessings for you and yours!!!

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Who Am I?

Who Am I?

robbin baby pic

Robbin at 6 months

Robbin* doesn’t remember not knowing she was adopted. Her adoptive parents, who couldn’t have children of their own, provided her a wonderful, loving home.

For those of us who were raised by our biological parents, there

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13 Responses to Who Am I?

  • Robbin, your determination is admirable. What is even more outstanding is your love for others and not to let hate, bitterness or resentment take over. No really understands what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes; so being sensitive in situations we fully don’t understand is important you you showed just this! Thank you for sharing your story and paying it forward to others!

    • Thank you for the kind words Jessica; I am always happy to share my story because you never know who it can help:)

  • Robbin, this is a beautiful story of your journey to answering that question that you long for so many years..Who Am I? I believe your story will inspire others to pursue the same journey. Thank you for sharing and glad to be part of your circle of friends.

  • Robbin,

    I am so privileged to know you and admire your courage in searching and finding your answers. Every adopted person wants the answers to who and where they came from, the exact reasons that adoption was chosen over the two other alternatives, and to gaze upon faces in which they can see themselves. My prayer is that adoptive parents can support and encourage their children in finding their answers. You are a testimony to the fact that adoption cannot sever the original connections, nor should it.

    • Leslie, meeting you and being part of your wonderful group has been great therapy for me. Sharing our stories with others in hopes of helping them is a free gift.

  • What a loving and powerful story. It not only speaks to the issues of an adopted child, but the secrets that undermine people’s health and wellness. Your persistence gave you and your mother many gifts. It helped you find the answer to “who am I?” And it also set your mother free from the painful lies she felt she had to tell. It is a story of love, forgiveness and redemption. It is the story of new life and freedom in Christ. Your mother was free to die without guilt; and you are free to have the relationships that mean so much to you. God bless you! I’m so honored to have met you Robbin!

    • Thanks Mary for introducing me to Melony! This was a fun and somewhat tearful experience but well worth it!

  • I’ve known this story of your journey my friend ,but seeing it and reading it brought tears. Many will benefit from your story and your commitment to help others. God Bless PJ

  • Thanks PJ, yes when you see it in writing it takes on a whole different feeling?. Love you girl!

  • Robbin, you continue to amaze & inspire me more each day. While we’ve only known each other a few months it seems like an eternity because of your compassion, honesty and ability to open yourself to others. Your adoption experience will have a profound impact on others who have experienced similar situations. God is using you as a special placeholder who demonstrates the true meaning of “paying it forward”. You are to be commended for your tenacity, love, forgiveness of others and most importantly, finding you! What a remarkable story that will resonate with all. Thank you for sharing YOU!

  • I was adopted & can’t thank my biological parents enough for giving me up‼ must have been a good reason?And it gave me a chance with the best mom & dad a gal could ever have‼‼‼ thanks to the lady who gave my mom & dad a chance & choice to give a baby that BEST life possible❤️❤️❤️?

  • Heartwarming story.

  • I’ve known many people that are adopted. It is such a blessing to everyone.

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Look Twice – Save a Life

Look Twice – Save a Life


Ordinary days can turn tragic in a split second.

An ordinary weekend motorcycle ride on a sunny day in June of 2012 turned tragic when Jessica* and her boyfriend were hit head on by a truck. She survived, but

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7 Responses to Look Twice – Save a Life

  • Melony, thank you for sharing Jessica’s amazing story with us. She is a powerhouse of determination, strength, faith, and inspiration to us all. I am honored and proud to call her “friend.”

  • Jessica
    I am awestruck by your story! Your mental fortitude is inspiring. God clearly has big plans for you. I can’t imagine all of the lives you will continue to impact with your story. Thank you for sharing. Many blessings to you!

  • Thank you for sharing my story Melony. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost four years, just a few short weeks away. So much has happened. I’ve grown so much! The stories on your web site are inspiring to keep me going. Several suffer from accidents like mine and have chronic pain from other issues. I just keep trying to do my best and let my story be a lesson to others to show love in your weakest and most hurt moments. Trust God, even though we can’t see Him, He always puts others in our lives to show off His good works!

  • This is an amazing story about an amazing women. Though we don’t know each other well I have come to admire your strength Jessica. Just remarkable!

  • Great story Jessica, your strength, positive attitude and determination are an example for many to learn from. May you continue in your healing process and show others your positive spirit! Thank you for sharing?

  • Jessica, So happy you found joy! I relate to your pain – I too had a broken body from gunshot wounds. I found I need God’s grace each day to deal with chronic pain (as you know some days are better than others.) I am rejoicing with you that God sent you such a caring husband.
    God Bless You!

  • What determination to survive. I praise you for giving it your best and being an overcomer.

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10 Responses to From Rubble to Royalty

  • Tammy, I am so sorry for all the abuse you endured. You are an overcomer! Thank you for sharing and shining a light on the injustice of sex trafficking. Blessings!

  • there is a heaven. and then there is a hell – this is the justice for what these men did to her. there is a place in heaven for her final peace

  • Tammy,

    Melony mentioned she had another Overcomer story, and I could tell in my brief conversation with her last night, your story hit her like a semi truck , but I had no idea it was this big. The amount you have overcome is just unbelievable, and your story is full of such intense pain, deceit, loss, confusion, and so much more. I thank you for sharing your story. My niece works with sex trafficking, and I’m going to forward your journey to her. Before my niece got involved in helping women that have been exposed to sex trafficking, I thought it was someone who kidnaps a child, fills them with drugs and sells them as a service. But, as she and you just stated it can be your own family members, or friends, or people you reach out to for help. This was shocking to me, being a mother of a teenage daughter. I think your story, and the hard work my niece does, will help educate everyone. I thank you so much for sharing your journey, as I know it’s a hard thing to do. God has given you a voice to help stop this type of abuse, and for that I’m so grateful. I hope you continue to spread the word of God, and help get this information out to others. You are far more than an overcomer. You are a survivor that has taken something extremely horrific and turned it into a ministry that is just amazing.
    God bless you,
    Angie Thomsen

  • Melony, This is a very powerful testimony about overcoming. Good to know she turned so much evil and wrongdoing into a positive influence in her life. I am very proud of you for taking the time to meet, interview, and share these stories so that other lives can be positively impacted.


  • Tammy, thank you for sharing your story. I’m happy to hear you have overcome and are helping others. Many blessings!

  • Tammy, thank you being so honest and real as you shared your story. You can inspire many and help many. Your will, faith and determination have gotten you so far and will continue to do so! Many hugs!

  • Tammy, just the fact that you can profess faith in God is a miracle. You are one of his most precious, beautiful, effective assets to bring victims His peace and comfort, and you are inspirational to the rest of us. Let me never complain nor wallow in self pity about my own mountains. For you are my new benchmark!! May God keep you and bless you and make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you forever. Amen.

  • Tammy, your story is one of innocence stolen and unrecoverable, yet you have allowed that part of you that remained tender and unsullied to be exposed and vulnerable enabling you to be a bearer of light, reaching into the darkness and making a way where there was no way for others to escape an otherwise inescapable pit of despair.

  • Dear Tammy your story brought me to tears. With what you have been through I would say you are the strongest person I have ever known. I’m so proud of you for just continuing to do the things that you needed to do to defeat this cycle. You are absolutely amazing

  • This situation is so sad. It is scary to know how much of this there is. Hopefully things will be better in the very near future.

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My Whole Life Turned Upside Down

My Whole Life Turned Upside Down

Almost three years ago, Patty’s* sinus infection lingered for two months despite several treatments. Then, she began getting horrible headaches. Simply put . . . she felt miserable.

* Her real name, used with permission.

Boom in Her Head


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5 Responses to My Whole Life Turned Upside Down

  • Patty, You are a shining light of hope. i am grateful that you are an overcome! Blessings to you.

  • What an amazing story of strength! You’ve conquered so much and yet still have to continue to fight. I am in awe of your line about no more daily grind! doing things much more meaningful! YAY! Keep up the faith and prayers, as I know many are still praying for you each day! God can heal and each day is a blessing that we have here in our “earth suits”. HUGS!

  • Wow, Patty, thank you for allowing Melony to share your amazing story. To God be the glory!

  • So proud to call Patty my friend! What a blessing you are to me!

  • you are an inspiration to me. i love you so much and so hate that you have been thru this. you keep looking on the bright side always with a smile. i am proud to call you my “daughter”.

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Walked Out

Walked Out

“My struggles have been a test of perseverance. I’d like to think I’m passing the test. Despite all I’ve gone through, I’ve never lost sight of how blessed and fortunate I am,” Cindi* says.

* Her real name, used with

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106 Responses to Walked Out

  • Cindi,
    What an amazing journey you are on! a very determined lady, and I’m in awe. talk about overcoming! thanks for sharing your story. I know whoever gets to hear your story will be moved by it.
    I can’t imagine what that was like, but you have overcome some of lives biggest challenges.
    God bless, Angie

    • I’ve known you all my life my neighbor. You are the toughest damn person I know. I remember seeing you walk around the circle slowly by our house.You are a true ambassador to courage and determination. I love you girl. Hope to see you soon

      • David, I have always loved and adored you. Playing in the yard and growing up together was huge part of who I am today. Please see me soon!

    • Thank you, Angie! It’s not easy but I realize how fortunate and blessed I am.

    • Thank you, Angie! It’s not easy but I realize how fortunate and blessed I am.

  • Cindi, You are an overcomer, but you know that after 30 years! Never give up, you have an inspiring story!

  • Cindy, your story is nothing short of amazing. Your life is one of exemplary perseverance -truly inspirational!

  • Cindi,
    I was in your life at the time this happened to you and as devastating as it was your determination, strength, desire and attitude blew me away!!! It still does to this day! You are an amazing woman filled with courage and I am so grateful to call you friend!! Bless you and thank you for sharing your story of hope!!

    • Deb, I know you remember it vividly. I thank you for always being so supportive and making me feel so loved. I really miss you and would love to see you.

    • Missed a lot during 20 plus years. Your still the competitor I use to play Racquetball with. I miss a lot of the things Zi can’t do either but you learn to adjust and do it differently. Like you do t tell me I can’t do something. We will catch up. I can relate to some of what you have gone through but you had it much worse than me. Ha need to get together to compare femure plates and screws! Most of the screws rattled out of my ears lol. My thoughts, heart and prayers are with you.

  • Cindy,
    I just wanted to say what a AMAZING person you are!
    Your story breaks my heart but just to hear your positive attitude and drive is unreal. The Sheppard center is amazing and I am glad they aided in your road to recovery.
    All my best.

    • Tracy, thank you for the heartfelt comments. It has been a tough deal and Shepherd has given me new incentive and more hope.

  • Cindi,
    Thank you for sharing your story. Those of us who are fortunate to be able to call you friend know what an amazing person you are. Smart,funny, caring, and unstoppable!

    • Wanda, thank you very much. I have such fond memories of time spent with you and would love to see you.

  • What can’t you do? I am in awe of you! I love you, Cindi Lou Who!

  • Great article. I am so proud of you. You are an inspiration to many. I have always thought a lot of you but this makes me cherish you even more. I am so glad to call you friend.

  • Great story! Go Cyndi!

  • Amazing story- amazing woman!

  • Cindi,
    There are no words to properly express how special you are to me. You are truly a ray of sunshine. You always inspire me to move forward. I love you!!

    • Olivia, I have always adored you and your quest and pursuit to do more and be better. You inspire me. So proud of you. I love you!

  • Cindy,
    You are one of the most inspiring people I have ever worked with and treasure the time we have had together. Thirty years of perseverance and still working towards ground breaking changes to become, and stay, as independent as possible! I’m proud of your dedication and commitment!
    Miss you!

    • Leanne, your PT work with me has been some of the BEST. You know how much I want it and worked diligently to find ways to help me. I miss you so very much. Please come back to GA.

  • I have known Cindi all of life. She truly is an inspiration to many!! She is a beautiful soul and the physical example of faith, determination, and a touch of hard headed independence.

  • Cindi, I remember this time very well. Your mom called me during the time it happened and she was heart broken thinking she might lose you and asking for prayer. We talked many times about your experience. I remember it like yesterday when you mom told me that you had to be taken from Hilton Head to Augusta and that you were critically sick. I watched her cry and listen to her talk about it many a day and prayed for you constantly. Yes, you have come a long way from where you started in July 1986 and I am sure that with your strong will and want to do it, you will achieve what you have set out to do. Will be praying for you.

    • Erma, thank you for staying close to my Mother during that time. It broke my heart for her as I know she was so worried. She has the strongest faith of anyone I have ever known and I am honored to be her daughter. I will always be her baby! All the prayers helped sustain me. Please continue to pray.

  • Cindi, this is the first time I have seen this article and I really received a blessing from what you did to overcome their first diagnosis that you would never walk again. Thank you for sharing your story. They sure didn’t know the Cindi I knew and still know. We have been life long friends, high school basketball team mates and I consider you still like a sister to me. You truly are an amazing person to go through what you have and still have the best attitude and courage to continue your battle with this disease. I, for one, am so happy that you didn’t give up and showed everyone what a fighter you are. I love you and your family so much. Thank you to the Sheppard Center for the work you do and especially for taking such good care of my friend.

    • Debra, my dear friend and sister. Thank you for sticking with me and loving my family and me like family…we are! I so miss and recall fondly all our days together. I am so glad we stay in close touch. Shepherd is truly helping me and I will continue to walk better because of them.
      I love you!

  • Cindi…I knew so little about your journey. I am beyond impressed and applaud you for your amazing ability to overcome so much!!! What an inspiration to all of us! ???

    • Thank you, Diane. I don’t talk much about it but it is obviously always with me. I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. Would love to see you on the lake!!??

  • You’re always such an amazing positive person, and I had no idea just how much you’ve overcome. Thanks for the great example and the unending kindness and friendship. Chris

  • Cindi,
    While I knew you had an illness I didn’t know what it was or anything about it. Your story that you have been willing to share will be such encouragement to everyone who reads it. God is definitely using you to be an “encourager” to all. YOU GO GIRL!

    • CeCe, I don’t like to talk about it much but Melony encouraged me and did such a great job. I am glad I did it. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

  • Cindy, I had no idea, having not seen you in many years. But I certainly relate and am very proud of you. I know it takes a strong inner strength, determination and faith to overcome something like this while having to still face that we do have limitations. It’s also good to share your story, for I found out, by doing so we give hope and encouragement to others out there who may be at the point of giving up. God bless you and I will keep you in my prayers. Good for you!

    • And good for you, too, Iris, that you stay determined and maintain such a great attitude and support others so much. It’s not easy, as you well know, but giving up is not an option. Please pray for me as I do you.

  • Cindi,
    You are my hero! Really! Your strength, determination and zest for life were a wonderful influence on me as a teenager and are as much the case 35 years later. It is only fitting you share some of your deep well of courage and dedication with others. Your influence is a wonderful legacy now and throughout time. I love you, CHB.

    • Jane, thank you for offering your thoughts and feelings. I have always adored you and have been blessed to have you as my friend through the years. Come to see me?

  • I was a team mate of Cindi’s on our high school basketball team. She was dedicated & helped run our offense like a well oiled machine. She was definitely a positive influence on fellow teammates & fellow classmates. Her skills in sports were in addition to her skills in the classroom. She was a friend to many & I doubt she has ever met a stranger. I never doubted that Cindi would continue to show her drive & ambition post high school & college. When I first heard what Cindi was going through this when it first hit her, I remember telling my dad, “If anyone can beat this, it will be Cindi.” I am proud to call her a friend & I’m proud of ALL she has accomplished! To Cindi I say, “Way to go, Pistol Pete”.

    • Diane, your words make me smile so big! Thank you. I cherish our times as kids, classmates and teammates…they were some of the best years of my life. Thanks for caring for me and for the support. Wish we could shoot a few hoops. Pistol Pete

  • I’m not sure you know what an impact you’re having on not only those of us who know you, but on those you share this with. Do know you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Love you, Ellen

  • What a amazing story and person! Way to go girl! You still have the same determination and beautiful spirit as you had from day one I met you.So glad to call you a friend. Hugs and Love Ya❤

  • Your story and your life continues to emit the eternal flame of “hope” as in your name…..thank you for being a beacon for others then and now! Love you…

  • Cindi,
    you have always been strong, determined and focused. Your will and compassion is an inspiration to everyone. Keep it up! Love you!!

  • Wow! I did not know these details. What an amazing and inspirational story! Very well written also. Thanks for sharing. Love that you saved the note from your medical records. Guess you showed them!

  • Cindi, what an amazing story. You are an inspiration to everyone around you and those who read your story. You have an amazing family also and I pray for their continued support and strength as you continue to improve. Love and continued success.

    • Linda, thank you so much. Indeed, I do have a terrific family, for which I am truly grateful. Please continue to pray for us all.

  • For as long as we have known Cindi, we have always seen her struggle but that has never dampened her spirit. She has always strived to be the best friend and hardest worker. What a great story about our friend. She may not want to share her story but someone else will be uplifted by it. What a great person. A friend for life.

    • Jody, thank you so much, my sweet friend! I do try very hard to to the very best I can…not easy and I don’t always make it, but I strike at it. Appreciate you and Peggy so much.

  • Cindy,
    I’ve always looked up to you for being a great basketball player but even more as a big sister. I loved watching you and Debra, Diane, Sherry and others teammates rule on a basketball court. Yall were always so together always clicking together without even saying a word. This bond this strength this determination and most of all with God’s love for you and many prayers is what got you to today. We never know what God plans for us are but He knows best. Your life story your testimony is and will help others. Your sunshine smile and love for people and sports will definitely help others. Go and tell others. Thank you to all the medical staff that’s has helped my sister through Christ.

    • Rose, your words brought tears to my eyes as I recall, with such delight, our earlier years and all that we did and all that we were. You are family and I am eternally grateful.

  • Cindi you rock!!!!

  • Cindi, you are such an inspiration to me and many others. God bless you!!

  • Having met Cindy “virtually”, I knew nothing of her condition for some time. And when I did learn that she had some physical challenges, I had no idea how serious they were; how long her journey has been; and how much she has overcome. This story obviously has shed a lot of light on the subject for me.

    In addition to providing motivation to everyone fighting a physical battle, I can tell you that Cindy is also one of the most generous people I have ever met.

    We should also be so fortunate to have know someone like her. A true role model and inspiration.

    • Tommy, I am so very grateful we have gotten to know one another a bit, even if it is an “out there” relationship! Thank you for the comments. As a college basketball player, you too, can imagine how hard it has been to be forced to give up things so important to our basic selves. I continue to send positive thoughts your way as you fight your own battle. Too bad we can’t team up on the court and defeat these situations we face. I am anxious to meet you in person.

  • Cindi, i truly believe that your greatest gift is the quiet strength that you live each day. To have watched you continue to strive to get better and stronger, mostly to prove all those ‘doubters’ wrong! I love you sweet amazing friend and thanks for sharing your story of power and peace.

    • Thank you, Frannie. You KNOW I have a deep desire to be better. Love you and please visit.

  • I have known Cindi for over 20 years and her strength, perseverance, and passion have been an inspiration to me since I met her. You would have never known that she was going through anything, because she always had/has the time to comfort and inspire others to greatness. Cindi Branch is truly one of the greatest people that I know and I am glad to call her my colleague, mentor and most of all friend. Love you!!!

    • Scott, you are just a bit biased but thank you for the kind and generous words. Love you, my friend!

  • Cindi, thank you for sharing your story. You are an inspiration to so many people! You rock!!!

  • Cindy…Thanks for sharing your story. In the short time we’ve known each other I too have been impressed by your strength, determination, and courage but there is one thing about you that seems to define you immediately. It’s that smile. It never fails to blow me away.

    • Michael, thank you for taking the time to read the story and for your endearing comments. So glad I have had a chance to know you.

  • Cindi, you are a great inspiration to all!! As a teacher and a coach I have seen too many students take life for granted. We all need to reflect on our fortunes in life no matter what they are in a positive manner. Your strength and perseverance is the best lesson for all!!!

    Best wishes always!!!


  • Cindi, thank you for sharing your story. Even us “old friends” learned a bit and have been reinspired by seeing it in print. In fact, it is so very valuable for you to put this down. We have just recently met a friend’s brother who was just diagnosed with transverse myelitis at age 69. We’ll shared it with him – may it inspire him and others to conquer the illness, walk again, and then share their journeys.

    We love you!
    B & B

    • B & B, thanks for sharing your comment and I am thankful for you both. So very sorry to learn about your friend’s brother. If I can do anything…speak with him on the phone, email, text…anything…I will.

  • Cindi, first of all you know I love you! You are such an inspiration and always have been. You are one of the strongest most determined people I know. You are simply amazing! This is such a great article.
    Love Ya! Van

    • Van, what can I say? You have known me in the good, bad and difficult times. You have talked me off the ledge many times and I am so very grateful. You are like a brother to me. I love you and am amazed at your courage, strength, and determination in dealing with your”story.” Thank you for always being there.

  • Cindi, your story is nothing short of amazing, You are the only person I know who could have overcome your challenges. Having the pleasure of being friends with you for years, I know how amazing you are. You are an inspiration to all who know and love you.

  • CB, I know this is a personal and difficult part of your life that you seldom discuss. Thanks for sharing–your story will help others. You are the strongest, most determined person I’ve ever known. Your spirit and determination have always inspired me!
    Love you,

    • MT, thanks, my dear friend. We have been through so much together and I will be forever thankful for you and for the bond we share.

  • Cindi, I did not know the details of your story. Girl, you are truly amazing.
    You were always so smart and anexcellent team player when it came to sports. I enjoyed watching you play basketball, volleyball,etc. You were always good at everything you did.
    Posting your story will be an inspiration to so many people, to see how you have persevered. I also have an auto-immune disease, and it sometimes seems too hard to cope. But, with Jesus we can make it through anything. God is so good!
    We were both raised as Christians, during our childhood years. I thank God for Godly parents. I know you do too. Your mom is so sweet. Every time I see her, she has a sweet, sweet smile and a word of encouragement. I see where you got it from. You, take care of yourself, and keep on letting God use you.
    Would love to have lunch with you, Sherry, Debra, Becky, Diane, etc. sometime. Let me know when you are in town. Love You, Brenda Edge. (We are getting old, but better.)

    • Brenda, I appreciate every word you posted. I sure miss those days of all of us together…how those memories stay with with me and help keep me going. Yes, Mother is one of a kind. Not sure how I got so blessed to be her kid. THAT would be so wonderful for us to have lunch sometime together…I will get with Debra and we will make a plan. We were raised in Christian homes and I know that’s part of how I have managed to cope with this as well as I have. I am so sorry you suffer from an auto immune disease. I would like to hear and know about it. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, my friend!

  • I have wondered who you were even though we are Friends on FB. You have really been through much physical frustration. I admire that you were strong enough not to let it beat you. I probably would have given up totally and completely. What a great inspiration you are to others. Thanks for your story. I wish the best for You.

    • I bet you would persevere, Marilyn, if faced with such a situation. Thank you for your support.

  • Cindi, although I do not know you as well as others who have responded to your story, I know you were a tremendous asset to the company and respected by all who had opportunity to meet and work with you. While I was aware you had health issues, I never realized you had overcome challenges that would have defeated others. Your story is so inspirational for all. Thank you for sharing.

    • Barbara, your words mean so much to me. I miss those days with the company and visiting with you and so many people I think of often. Thank you for the support. I appreciate it.

  • Cindi, while we’ve only known each other a short time compared to your many, many friends, I count you among my friends. I am honored to know such a courageous and determined woman, not to mention the fun loving, happy person I have come to love. You truly are an inspiration to all.

    • Karen, I felt a bond with you when I first met you so although we have not known each other for years, I certainly feel a comfort, when around you. I appreciate your words and please come to see me and let’s kayak on the lake>

  • Cindi, your amazing life’s story, is amazing. God bless you & keep you strong. What an inspiration to us all, when we start to whine!

    • Hey Debbie, thank you so much. The things thrown our way are all relative so we get to whine, even at things that seem so mundane sometimes.

  • Melony told your story well, Cindi–such a strong inspirer you are! I love the robotic equipment, a gorgeous medical storm trooper 🙂

    • Lissa, thank you so very much. I, too, think Melony captured the story extremely well. That equipment is just the coolest thing I have ever done.

  • Growing up in a small town, you get to know everyone and their families in such a close way. There are people who rise above in their good character, friendliness, good sportsmanship, etc…Cindi was that person in Jackson, South Carolina. She was everyone’s friend, always upbeat, funny, and what an athlete! Again she inspires us all with her determination that when she “got knocked down”, she showed us how to get back up! I have always been proud to call her my friend and pray that she continues to heal, inspire others, and continue to shine as we know her to shine! Love you sweet girl!

    • Dana, it’s nice to read your words. I wouldn’t take anything for our little town and the family we had. Thank you for your love and support. You have always been there for me. I will always remember and will always be grateful. Love you.

  • Cindi, I had forgotten about this. Love your family and miss seeing them when going by the old Home place. Mary Ryals Hutcheson

  • Cindi, your story is so inspirational. I pray that you continue to improve. We all are getting better with age!! I know firsthand what a critical illness can do to not only the individual but also the family involved. Your mother must have been your true cheerleader all your life. Thank you for your courage, ethics, and faith to persevere and reach your goals. I wish you the best always. I do love your mother so very much. She is always so sweet and kind to everyone she meets!

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Lisa’s Perfect Match

Lisa’s Perfect Match

Sometimes an individual doesn’t realize the incredible story of overcoming her life is until it’s pointed out to her. Lisa* is definitely one of those individuals.

* Her real name, used with permission.

Lisa’s aunt, her mother’s sister,

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9 Responses to Lisa’s Perfect Match

  • Always encouraging stories! Thanks Melony and Lisa!

  • Lisa, This is an incredible story of overcoming life’s trails and tribulations. So glad you were able to stand on the promise of Jeremiah 29:11!

    • Maureen,

      Thank you for reading my story and your kind comments. I’m thankful to be alive and give God all the glory!


  • Lisa is definitely an overcomer! She is an amazing woman who has held steadfast to her faith, family and friends during difficult periods. She has endured each circumstance with constant conviction of the Lord’s hand, provision and presence in each situation…and all with that beautiful smile! She treasures Speed’s devotion to her and sacrifice for her well being and benefit. Difficult seasons have produced diligent disciples and examples to many! Lisa – big hug to you my friend! xo

    • I hope you know how much you and our friendship means to me. You caring about me and laughing at my silliness is just another example of God’s blessings on my life. It doesn’t matter where we leave off or how many months pass without us seeing each other, we pick up where we left off and that to me is a great, true friend. I hope to see you soon! Love you. Xoxo

  • Wow, an incredibly resilient lady and whole family. Lisa, you are an amazing individual. Melony, thank you for sharing yet another inspiring message.

  • Cindi, thank you for reading my story and for your kind words! Lisa

  • Lisa, I am so happy for your recovery. May God continue to give you everything you need to stay healthy.

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